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Siirry uudelle tilastosivulle

Published: 17 November 2006

Producer Price Indices in October 2006

Producer prices for manufactured goods rose by 5.4 per cent, export prices by 4.8 per cent and import prices by 5.7 per cent from October 2005 to this year's October. The basic price index for domestic supply went up by 5.9 per cent in the year. The year-on-year change in the wholesale price index amounted to 5.9 per cent.

The increase in the producer prices for manufactured goods was particularly attributable to risen prices of basic metals and electricity from October 2005. The rise in the prices was curbed by falls in the prices of oil products and electrical products.

From September to October, producer prices for manufactured goods went up by 0.7 per cent. This was mainly due to higher prices of basic metals. The rise in the prices was curbed by falls in the prices of oil products.

Month-on-month and year-on-year changes in Producer Price Indices in October 2006

Point figure
09/2006 - 10/2006
10/2005 - 10/2006
Producer price index for manufactured products, total 101.5 0.7 5.4
Export price index 93.9 1.4 4.8
Import price index 112.0 0.3 5.7
Basic pride index for domestic supply 111.3 0.2 5.9
Wholesale price index 109.2 0.1 5.9

Source: Producer Price Indices 2006, October Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mr Matias Kemppainen +358 9 1734 3564, Mr Anssi Vuorio +358 9 1734 2934, thi.tilastokeskus@stat.fi

Director in charge: Mr Kari Molnar


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Last updated 17.11.2006


Suomen virallinen tilasto (SVT): Producer price indices [verkkojulkaisu].
ISSN=1799-3695. October 2006. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [viitattu: 14.3.2025].
Saantitapa: https://stat.fi/til/thi/2006/10/thi_2006_10_2006-11-17_tie_001_en.html