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In-service training 2002

According to Statistics Finland's Labour Force Survey, 899,000 employees took part in in-service training (employer-sponsored training) in 2002, which is 44 per cent of all employees. The employees participating in in-service training received an average of four days (median) of training.

In relative terms, the most active participants in in-service training were persons aged 25 to 54, those with tertiary level qualifications, upper-level salaried employees and employees working in establishments employing at least 200 persons. The participation rate was also higher than average among those working in the service industries, such as public and other services, financial intermediation, insurance and business services.

More detailed information about those having participated in employer-sponsored training is available from the publication In-service training 2002. The publication (in Finnish) can be ordered from StatMarket in electronic form as a pdf file. It is also possible to order tailored tables of the data separately.

Updated 11.12.2003

In-service training statistics
Tarja Seppänen


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