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Most training to those in top professions

Employees in top professions received the most in-service training. In relative terms, legislators, senior officials and managers took most part in in-service training, that is, 63 per cent of them. Professionals and those with military occupations were almost as active participants in in-service training. The least training was given to employees belonging to the group elementary occupations, of whom less than one fifth took part in in-service training.

Employees with military occupations had clearly the highest number of training days in 1999, an average of ten per participant. Legislators, senior officials and managers had five days of training, on average.

3. Employees having participated in in-service training by occupation in 1999

Occupational group Employees,
Employees participating in in-service training As a proportion of all employees

Training days per participant

Legislators, senior officials and managers 117,000 74,000 63.4 5.0
Professionals 410,000 252,000 61.4 5.0
Technicians and associate professionals 339,000 182,000 53.7 4.0
Clerks 184,000 90,000 48.8 4.0
Service and care workers, and shop and market sales workers 254,000 79,000 31.3 3.0
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 25,000 6,000 22.2 3.0
Craft and related trades workers 257,000 65,000 25.2 3.0
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 192,000 52,000 27.3 3.0
Elementary occupations 162,000 31,000 18.9 2.0
Armed forces1) 11,000 7,000 61.9 10.0
Unknown 3,000 .. .. ..
Total 1,955,000 838,000 42.9 4.0

1) The Finnish Defence Forces and the Frontier Guard arrange long-term supplementary training for their personnel.

.. Data too uncertain for presentation.

To the start

Updated 1.1.2001

In-service training statistics
Tarja Seppänen


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