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Compilation and concepts of in-service training statistics

The in-service training statistics derive from the Finnish Labour Force Survey carried out in accordance with the EU standards during October, November and December 1999. The first Finnish EU-LFS was carried out in the spring of 1995. The purpose of a Labour Force Survey is to chart out matters relating to the employment and working life of the working age population. Similar surveys are carried out in all EU Member States in accordance with the directions of Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. The aim is to produce as comparable data as possible. The Labour Force Surveys of Statistics Finland were adjusted to comply with the EU regulations after Finland joined the EU.

The in-service training statistics are based on data collected for national use concerning participation in in-service training during the 12-month period prior to the survey. The Labour Force Survey also contains such questions made in accordance with the EU standards that inquire about studies during the four-week period before the survey. The purpose of the questions is to collect internationally comparable data on in-service training, for example. These questions are not dealt with in this connection.

To the start

Updated 1.1.2001

In-service training statistics
Tarja Seppänen


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