Election map service
 The election map server provides more than 300 thematic maps and statistical tables of the election results. By means of this easy-to-use application, it is possible to make fast and visual comparisons of the election results by area. The election maps and statistical tables can be browsed in three languages. The thematic maps can be converted into high-quality printout files.
To the election map service
Some key thematic maps are also published on the Instant statistics pages.
The election map service - Parliamentary Elections 1999
Over 300 thematic maps and statistical tables on the following subjects
- voting turnout
- change in voting turnout as compared to the previous elections
- votes cast per party (eight major parties)
- change in votes cast per party (eight major parties)
- five candidates with most votes for each constituency
Themes on the following areas
- the whole country by constituency and municipality
- each constituency by municipality
- major cities by polling station; Greater Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Oulu
In three languages
In addition to Finnish, the election maps and statistical tables can be viewed in Swedish and English. The printouts can also be produced in three languages.
Printout files
All thematic maps can be converted into high-quality, publishable Postscript (*.ps) or Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) printouts. The user application of the election map server makes the conversion and the map set-up automatically.
Further information:
Ulla-Maarit Saarinen
e-mail: vaalit.tilastokeskus@tilastokeskus.fi