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News from 2024

8 Oct 2024 Changes to prices of Research Services

Statistics Finland is preparing increases to the prices of the Research Services. The changes concern the prices of the data available for researchers and the Fiona remote access system and user fees. The changes will be made in stages over the coming years. The size of the price increases is not yet known. We will release more detailed information about the changes in pricing as soon as possible.

18 Sep 2024 National accounts time series were revised

Statistics Finland published revised time series of national accounts and balance of payments statistics on 18 September 2024. As a result of the time series revision, the figures were revised starting from 2010.

5 Sep 2024 Statistics Finland's updated strategy paves the way for the revision of data production

Statistics Finland has updated its strategy. The strategy was updated to enable as efficient a management of the organisation as possible in the changing operating environment. Statistics Finland's mission and vision remain unchanged in the update. 

17 Jun 2024 Statistics Finland participates in the development of statistics in Georgia in an EU cooperation project

Statistics Finland leads a two-year Twinning project, which aims to develop the statistical system in Georgia and help the country adapt to the EU's statistical requirements.

6 Jun 2024 Base year of the index of real estate maintenance costs changes

The base year of the index of real estate maintenance costs is changed to 2021=100 when the data for the first quarter of 2024 are released on 14 June 2024. In connection with the change, the content of the index is renewed and the weight structures are updated. Read more about the update.

5 Jun 2024 Finland in Figures 2024 – statistical figures of a happy nation

Statistics Finland’s new Finland in Figures 2024 publication is an overview of Finnish society. The pocket-sized publication contains information on the population, economy, society and environment as statistical figures and charts.

29 May 2024 National accounts time series will become revised in the autumn

Statistics Finland will publish revised time series of national accounts and balance of payments statistics in September 2024. As a result of the time series revision, the figures become revised starting from 2010. 

22 Apr 2024 Finns taken over by survey fatigue – Statistics Finland is concerned about skewness of information

Information and views collected from citizens are a central raw material for statistics that steer social decision-making. In recent years, people’s response rates to surveys have fallen steeply. This feature is international and there are several reasons for the non-response. Statistics Finland highlights this worrying development with the Blue and white letter campaign. 

27 Mar 2024 Digital economy rivals construction in Finland

In Finland, the digital economy produces about seven per cent of the nation’s value added, write Statistics Finland’s experts Henri Lukkarinen and Eljas Tuomaala based on the first comprehensive calculations of digital economy in Finland. Calculations suggest that digital service production is especially pronounced in Finland. For now, the calculations remain experimental. (Tieto&trendit)

5 Mar 2024 Statistics Finland will review its statistics on wages and salaries in 2025

As a result of the review, the statistics on wages and salaries for the statistical reference year 2024 will be largely produced with data available from the Incomes Register. Instead of the present several industry-specific statistics on wages and salaries, data will be published under one set of statistics.

26 Feb 2024 Finland's statistics again selected as the best in the world

Finland's statistical ecosystem has been rated best in the world for the second time in a row. Finland again ranked first among 186 countries in the comparison of statistical systems made by the World Bank.

6 Feb 2024 Impartiality and reliability are Statistics Finland's assets

According to a customer survey made by Taloustutkimus, data users consider Statistics Finland's data impartial and reliable. Data are also seen as describing important phenomena. All in all, the respondents gave the school grade 8.6 for Statistics Finland's activity. 

1 Feb 2024 Base year of short-term business statistics changes

Short-term business statistics are renewed in connection with the publication of data for 2024, when the reference period, the base year, is updated from 2015 to 2021.

25 Jan 2024 Paavo provides regional data for different purposes

Which postal code areas in Finland are most dominated by blocks of flats? And where in Finland is the average income of inhabitants the highest? This and much more information can be found in Statistics Finland’s free-of-charge Paavo service, which also includes a time series. The service’s data have been updated today, on Paavo's name day.

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