Cubic volume of granted building permits decreased in April to June 2024 by 10 per cent year-on-year

release | Building and dwelling production 2024, June

According to Statistics Finland, building permits for newbuilding were granted for a total of 9.4 million cubic metres between April and June 2024, which was 10 per cent less than one year earlier. Over the period, building projects totalling 6.6 million cubic metres were completed, which was 33 per cent down from one year earlier.

Key selections

  • The cubic volume of building permits granted in April to June 2024 for residential buildings decreased by seven per cent and the cubic volume of permits for other than residential building construction by 11 per cent from one year ago.
  • Building permits were granted for a total of 6,076 dwellings, which was seven per cent fewer than one year earlier.
  • In April to June 2024, the constant-price value or the volume of ongoing building production went down by 17 per cent year-on-year.

Cubic volume covered by granted building permits was bigger than one year ago in eight regions

Measured by cubic volume, most building permits for newbuilding were granted in Uusimaa and Pirkanmaa in April to June 2024. In eight regions the cubic volume granted in April to June exceeded the figure of the previous year.

The cubic volume of completed building projects was highest in Uusimaa and Southwest Finland during April to June. In five regions the cubic volume of completed building projects grew from one year ago.

On the level of the whole country, 5,565 new dwellings were completed in building projects in April to June, which was 51 per cent fewer than in the corresponding period one year earlier. Among the regions, the highest number of dwellings were completed in Uusimaa, 2,904. Compared with the previous year, the number of completed new dwellings increased only in the regions of Kymenlaakso and Åland.


See key statistical data in the figures.

Volume index of newbuilding 2015=100, trend, in 2001M01 to 2024M06

Granted building permits by region, m3, moving annual total, 2024M06

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  • Construction stage
  • Building type
  • Region
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  • Building type
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      Referencing instructions

      Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Building and dwelling production [online publication].
      Reference period: 2024, June. ISSN=1798-9590. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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      Statistical experts

      Inquiries primarily

      Tiia Wallin
      Senior Statistician
      029 551 3875

      Other experts

      Merja Järvinen
      029 551 2458

      Head of Department in charge

      Hannele Orjala
      Head of Department in charge
      029 551 3582