Value of energy imports fell by 11 per cent in January to June 2024

release | Energy supply and consumption 2024, 2nd quarter

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, energy products were imported to Finland to the value of EUR 5.2 billion in January to June 2024, which was 11 per cent less than one year earlier. The main energy import products based on value were crude oil, medium distillates and other oil products. The value of exports of energy products amounted to EUR 1.9 billion, which was 38 per cent less than in the previous year.

Key selections

  • The main energy export products based on value were motor gasoline, medium distillates and other oil products.
  • Natural gas was not imported or exported in the first quarter of 2024 due to the damage to the Balticconnector gas pipeline. In the second quarter, the import volume of natural gas fell by 65 per cent and the export volume grew by 54 per cent compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
  • The import volume of liquefied natural gas nearly doubled compared to the previous year in the first half of 2024.
  • Imports of electricity in January to June 2024 amounted to 5.3 TWh, which was 15 per cent more than in the year before. Electricity exports totalled 1.9 TWh, which was 50 six per cent less than in the year before.
  • In the first half of 2024, the main import countries for energy products examined by value were Norway, Sweden and the USA. Examined by value, Sweden, the Netherlands and Estonia were the most important export countries for energy products.

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  • Flow
  • Energy product
  • Country
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Classifications used:
  • Flow
  • Energy product
  • Country
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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy supply and consumption [online publication].
Reference period: 2024, 2nd quarter. ISSN=1799-7976. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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029 551 3394

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029 551 3326

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029 551 3488