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Time use

Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Living Conditions
Related topics: Culture and the Media
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes


The time use survey is an interview survey in which the respondents keep an accurate diary of their time use over a two-day period. Besides the time used for different activities, the survey also studies the daily and weekly rhythms of time use, and the time spent together with other people.

Data content

The survey examines working time, the time used on domestic work, sleeping and eating, leisure time activities and the time spent together and the place of activity. In addition, the survey also studies the rhythms of time use according to day, day of the week and season.

The table data are public. The basic data are secret.

Classifications used

The activities described by the respondents themselves are coded according to the 146-category classification of activities. Background variables for the time use data are such as the main type of activity, age, stage in life, level of education, socio-economic group, type of municipality, major region, province, time of the year, day of the week.

Data collection methods and data sources

An extensive interview survey where the data are collected by diaries and interviews. Some of the classification data derive from administrative registers (the Population Register, the Tax Administration's tax database, the Register of Completed Education and Degrees).

Data collections

Updating frequency

Approximately ten years.

Time of completion or release

The results of the time use survey for the years 2009-2010 will be public in year 2011.

Time series

Data are from 1979, 1987-88 and 1999-2000.


amateur theatres, art activities, books, computers, concerts, cultural activities, cultural events, cultural participation, culture, dance, day rhythm, domestic work, everyday life, films, hobbies, information technology, internet, leisure, libraries, magazines, museums, music, newspapers, opera, participation, periodicals, physical exercise, radio, reading, social life, social media, socio-economic group, study, television broadcasting, time use, visual arts, voluntary work, way of life, working hours

Contact information

Additional information

The survey for the years 1999-2000 was part of the harmonised European time use survey carried out in several European countries.

Last updated 13.06.2018