Statistical databases
In Statistics Finland's statistical database you can find versatile statistical data in table format. Free-of-charge, open data services and chargeable databases with longer time series and more detailed data are available.
Statistics Finland's statistical databases have been built with PxWeb technology. You can search for statistical data from free-of-charge databases in the API interface in the following formats: XLSX, CSV, JSON, JSON-stat and PX (PcAxis).
Further information about statistical databases is available by contacting
Free-of-charge statistical databases (open data)
The terms of use of free-of-charge databases of free-of-charge databases comply with the CC BY 4.0 licence.
StatFin database
StatFin contains an extensive collection of statistical tables on Finnish society and the population of Finland. The latest statistical data are published in StatFin. The database contains information on various areas of society: population, economy, housing, transport, tourism, consumption, prices, wages and salaries, energy, enterprises and many other topics.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Further information about the StatFin database
StatFin's archive database
Tables that are no longer updated are moved to StatFin's archive database from the actual StatFin.
Municipal key figures database
The municipal key figures database contains main key figures concerning all municipalities in Finland.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Paavo database
Statistical information by postal code area on the population structure, the level of education, the income of the inhabitants and households, the size of households and life stage, buildings and dwellings, workplaces and the main activities of the inhabitants. The Paavo service also includes the possibility to download statistical and map data through the interface service.
Most detailed area level: postal code area
Further information about the Paavo service
Financial data reported by wellbeing services counties database
Wellbeing services counties and joint county authorities for wellbeing services report their financial data for 2021 and 2022 to Statistics Finland. The data are reported by wellbeing services counties and joint county authorities for wellbeing services, and Statistics Finland is not responsible for their content or quality.
Most detailed area level: wellbeing services counties
Further information about the financial data reported by wellbeing services counties database
Immigrants and integration database
Key data on the population with immigrant background and on international migration in the past few years.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Immigrants and integration (thematic pages)
Integration database
The integration database is a database produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, which contains extensive data on the immigrant population in Finland.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Further information about the integration database (
UN sustainable development indicators (SDG indicators)
The UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development defines 17 global targets that steer the promotion of sustainable development. The development is monitored by means of indicators. Statistics Finland has collected a database of indicators describing Finland's development.
Tax Administration’s database
The service contains statistical data connected to business taxation, individual customers’ income taxation, real estate taxation, excise duty and development of tax revenue. The service is implemented together with the Tax Administration.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Information about the Tax Administration’s statistics (
Rudolf statistical database
Rudolf contains data on accommodation statistics, tourism accounts and tourism balance. The statistical service Rudolf was implemented in cooperation with Visit Finland.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Road traffic accidents database
The service contains data on road traffic accidents reported to the police in Finland and their consequences. The regional divisions used are always those valid at the beginning of the latest statistical reference year. The population figures at the beginning of the year are used in risk comparison calculations.
The service is carried out in cooperation with Liikenneturva, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, the Police, and the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
Further information from statistics on road traffic accidentsTraficom’s statistics database
The service contains data on first registration and stock statistics of vehicles, valid driving licences and number of new driving licences and first registrations of watercrafts. The service is implemented in cooperation with the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Information about Traficom’s statistics (
Data on finances reported by municipalities and joint municipal authorities database
Financial data reported by municipalities and joint municipal authorities to Statistics Finland up to the statistical reference year 2020. The data are reported by the municipalities and Statistics Finland is not responsible for their content or quality. The State Treasury publishes more recent data on the website
Most detailed area level: municipality
Further information about the database Financial data reported by municipalities and joint municipal authorities
Environmental accounting key figures database
Key figures related to environmental accounts. The data are no longer updated.
Most detailed area level: whole country
Key figures of environmental accounts (thematic pages)
Chargeable statistical databases
Links to more extensive service descriptions of statistical databases and their subscription instructions can be found in the presentation page of each database.
Time series database Astika
The service contains economic trend and economic statistics as monthly, quarterly and annual series. In addition to Statistics Finland, data producers for the service are the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Bank of Finland, Finnish Customs, the State Treasury and the Confederation of Finnish Industries.
Most detailed area level: municipality
Further information about the Astika database
Bulletin of Statistics database
The Bulletin of Statistics database contains key economic and trend series as monthly and quarterly data.
Most detailed rea level: municipality
Further information about the Bulletin of Statistics database
Built environment service
Built environment service contains diverse data describing building production and building investments.
Service contains five separate data sets:
- Building production
- Building investments
- Building and real estate costs
- Prices of dwellings
- Building stock and construction
Most detailed area level: municipality
Further information about the Built environment service
Last updated 28 Jan 2025