Regional household accounts
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: National Accounts
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
Regional household accounts are a component of regional accounts. Regional accounts are an extension of national accounts from which data are available by sub-regional unit, region and major region, as well as by other regional divisions based on municipalities if required.
Data content
Regional household accounts describe the income of households in Finland and its regional redistribution by the location of households. The regional household accounts are compiled following the guidelines of the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995). The used concepts and definitions are the same as in the sector account of households in national accounts. Regional household accounts deviate from national accounts so that they include profits from sale of property and income from incentive options. If required, the data are also available exclusive of profits from sale of property and income from incentive options precisely in accordance with national accounts.
Classifications used
Areas: NUTS 1 (Mainland Finland and Åland Islands), NUTS 2 (major regions), NUTS 3 (regions) and NUTS 4 (sub-regional units). The household sector matches the classification used in national accounts.
Data collection methods and data sources
Data for the whole country are obtained from national accounts. Several basic statistics and registers are used in calculating regional data. These include:
- data on personal taxation
- data on dwelling stock
- household budget survey
- vehicle register, and
- statistics on the finances and activities of municipalities and joint municipal boards.
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Statistical reference year + 17 months.
Time series
Starting from 1995.
Contact information
Last updated 08.12.2011