Rents of dwellings
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Housing
Related topics: Prices and Costs
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
Statistics on rents (quarterly and annual statistics) depict the level of rents in the rental dwelling stock, and quarterly and annual changes in rents.
Data content
The quarterly statistics describe the average level of rents and change in rents in non-subsidised dwellings and in government-subsidised rental dwellings by area and number of rooms. In addition to these, annual statistics follow the level of rents by the age of the dwelling. Both statistics also contain specified data on rents of new tenancies of non-subsidised dwellings.
Classifications used
Whole country (excl. Åland), Greater Helsinki, rest of Finland (others than Greater Helsinki municipalities), surrounding municipalities (municipalities around Greater Helsinki), major regions, Finland's biggest towns (more towns in the annual statistics), data according to population.
Data collection methods and data sources
The statistics are produced as a combination of a register and sample survey. The data for the quarterly statistics are based on the interview data collected monthly in connection with the Labour Force Survey. In the compilation of the annual statistics use is made of the above-mentioned interview data and the rent data of the Social Insurance Institution's register of housing allowances. In addition, Statistics Finland's data on housing stock, migration and population structure are used in the compilation of the statistics.
Updating frequency
Quarterly and annual.
Time of completion or release
The quarterly statistics are published around five weeks from the end of the reference period. The annual statistics are released at the turn of February and March.
Time series
Data on the level of rents are already available from 1962 onwards, but the classifications and production methods have changed over the years, so formation of comparable long time series may be problematic. The revised quarterly statistics are issued starting from the first quarter of 2003.
dwellings, flats, government-subsidised rental housing, housing, indices, rental flats, rent index, rents
Contact information
Additional information
Martti Korhonen puhelin:029 551 3451, Elina Vuorio puhelin:029 551 3385
Last updated 13.01.2023