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Educational finances

Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Education
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes


The statistics on educational finances contain data on the finances and costs of the entire educational system. The data on the costs of education are compiled according to national classifications, as well as according to international classifications and concept definitions, thereby making them internationally comparable and reportable. The data are compiled according to the principles and specifications of the International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED, and the UOE data collection system of international organisations (UNESCO, OECD, Eurostat). Most of the data are obtained from administrative registers. With regard to the educational institutions within the state contribution system of education the data are based on those collected by the National Board of Education and with regard to municipal pre-primary and comprehensive school and upper secondary general education on those collected by Statistics Finland separately in connection with the data collection for statistics on the finances of municipalities for the state contribution system of education. The data on universities derive from the central bookkeeping of the state and from those on the research expenditure of universities collected by Statistics Finland for statistics on science, technology and research. The data on state study aid derive from the Social Insurance Institution’s statistics on student benefits. The data are public.

Data content

The statistics on educational finances contain data on the costs of the educational system divided by sector and level of education. The statistics are compiled annually. Likewise, data on the costs of the educational system complying with the UOE data collection system of international organisations (UNESCO, OECD, Eurostat) are also compiled annually. The data for the UOE data collection system are provided in accordance with the categories of the International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED. The data system is in Excel table format.

Classifications used

Statistics Finland's classification of education, ISCED.

Data collection methods and data sources

Most of the data are obtained from administrative registers. The vast majority of them derive from the National Board of Education’s register of school costs compiled from data collected for the state contribution system. The register contains data on costs and performances in pre-primary, comprehensive school and upper secondary general education, vocational education, polytechnic education, and adult education centres, folk high schools, music colleges, sports education centres and vocational adult education centres. The data are collected from municipalities and educational institutions for the maintenance and monitoring of the state contribution system.

In addition, data are obtained from the Social Insurance Institution’s study aid centre (students benefits), central bookkeeping of the state (costs on university institutions), the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, Statistics Finland’s statistics on the finances and activities of municipalities, and on science, technology and research. A small amount of data are collected direct from educational institutions and institutions providing education.

Updating frequency

The statistics are produced annually.

Time of completion or release

The data are released to international organisations and published nationally approximately 18 months from the end of the statistical reference year.

Time series

Cost data by sector of education are available starting from 1995. Data on costs are also available from years prior to this but they are not fully comparable with those on later years.


costs of education, education, education expenditure, educational institutions

Contact information

Additional information

The data can also be found in international publications of educational statistics, e.g. the OECD’s publication Education at a Glance and in educational statistics published by Eurostat.

Last updated 23.11.2011