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Upper secondary general school education

Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Education
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes


The statistics on upper secondary general school education contain data on the educational institutions providing upper secondary general education: upper secondary general schools, comprehensive and upper secondary level schools and folk high schools. The preliminary statistics by educational institution for the current autumn describe the total number of students on 20 September at educational institutions offering upper secondary general school education. The statistics on upper secondary general school pupils contain individual-based data on the pupils attending the full upper secondary general school syllabus at the reference time of 20 September. The statistics on matriculation examinations contain data on completers of the matriculation examination in a certain year, and the statistics on completers of an international matriculation examination collected separately contain data on completers of the International Baccalaureate certificate(IB-certificate), the European Baccalaureate certificate (EB-certificate) and the DIA examination (previously Reifeprüfung examination).

Data content

Preliminary statistics on students in upper secondary general education contain data by educational institution on numbers of pupils. The statistics contain data on pupils attending the full upper secondary general school syllabus, pupils of subject studies in upper secondary general schools, pupils attending the full comprehensive school syllabus in educational institutions providing upper secondary general education and pupils of subject studies on the basic level.

The individual-based statistics on upper secondary general school education contain data on the pupils of upper secondary general school education who are studying to complete the full upper secondary general school syllabus, the IB certificate, the , DIA examination (previously Reifeprüfung), the EB certificate or the Gymnasieexamen. The individual-based statistics on students contain diverse data depicting the educational institution, education and pupils. The statistics do not contain data on pupils of subject studies in upper secondary general school education.

The statistics on matriculation examinations contain data on completers of the matriculation examination in a certain year and from the statistics on completers of an international matriculation examination data on completers of IB and EB certificates, DIA examinations (previously Reifeprüfung) and the Gymnasieexamen.

Classifications used

The data are classified by classifications describing types of educational institutions, various regional and demographic classification and Statistics Finland’s, the Educational Administration’s and international classifications of fields and levels of education

Data collection methods and data sources

The personal data from which these statistics are compiled are confidential. As a rule, the statistics produced from them are public. The data on students in upper secondary general school education are based on data in the education administration’s KOSKI database, to which the providers of education transfer individual-based student data, and on data reported by Ålands Gymnasium to Statistics Finland. The data on students and certificates in EB education are based on data reported by educational institutions to Statistics Finland. The data on matriculation examinations derive from the individual-based matriculation examination register maintained by the Matriculation Examination Board. Statistics Finland collects data on completers of an international matriculation examination directly from educational institutions.

All statistics on upper secondary general education are total data.

Data collections

Updating frequency

The statistics describing upper secondary general school education are produced annually.

Time of completion or release

The preliminary statistics on students are completed in February of the following year and the individual-based statistics on students and examinations in June of the following year.

Time series

Time series data are available starting from the 1980s and individual-based data on students starting from 1999. Examinations of the time series should allow for changes that have taken place in the covered topic.


education, general education, leaving certificates, matriculation examination, students, upper secondary general school

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Last updated 23.03.2021