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Tourism account

Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: National Accounts
Related topics: Transport and Tourism
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): No


Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) is a statistical system where the economic impacts of tourism are described in a versatile and comprehensive manner. It was developed in extensive international co-operation, as a result of which the UN, WTO (World Tourism Organization), OECD and EU approved in 2000 a recommendation on tourism satellite account. Tourism satellite account is also referred to as tourism account.

Data content

Tourism account depicts the position of tourism in Finland’s national economy. National accounts form the core of the description of the national economy and tourism account represents a “satellite” supplementing and adding clarity to them. Of the tables listed in the international recommendation on tourism account, tables 1 (consumption of inbound tourism), 2 (consumption of domestic tourism), 4 (consumption of internal tourism by product and type of tourism), 5 (output and income formation of tourism industry), 6 (internal tourism supply and demand by product), 7 (employment in tourism) and 10 (physical indicators of tourism) are produced in Finland.

Classifications used

The used classifications are based on those used in the supply and use tables of national accounts for financial transactions, economic activities and products. Due to the special information needs of the tourism account, the activity and product categories of these classifications are regrouped and broken down in diverse ways so that the core national accounts data could meet the requirements of the satellite account.

Data collection methods and data sources

Tourism account is a derived statistics compiled by exploiting several other statistics of Statistics Finland and other producers of statistics. The supply and use tables of national accounts provide a framework for the supply and use of tourism and other products. Data obtained from the Border Interview Survey, the Finnish Travel Survey and other sources are utilised to establish the share of tourism in the use these products.

Data collections

Updating frequency

Preliminary data concerning year t are updated in April t+2 and final data for year t in April t+3.

Time of completion or release


Time series

The tables have been produced since 1995 and the latest annual data are updated continuously.


consumption, consumption expenditure, national accounts, tourism, tourism account, use of money

Contact information

Additional information

The final travel account tables for 1995 to 2001 and the preliminary tables for 2002 were produced in the Finnish Tourism Satellite Account project, which was implemented in 2004 and financed by the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry and the European Union. Statistics Finland was responsible for the implementation of the project. The final report of the project has been published in a publication series of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (Financed studies 8/2004).

Last updated 17.03.2021