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Quarterly national accounts

Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: National Accounts
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes


Quarterly national accounts describe Finland’s economy systematically and according to the same concepts and definitions as annual national accounts, but at a more aggregated level. The statistics are produced in accordance with the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010), adopted with a regulation of the EU Council in 2013. The economy is described from the perspectives of output, demand and in-come formation. The examination extends to data at current prices and chain-linked volume data where the reference year is 2010. The produced data show how Finland's GDP has developed by quarter, which activities have grown and by how much, whether output has grown because of exports or investments, how the consumption of households has changed from the previous quarter, and how much wages and salaries have risen from the previous year.

Data content

Development of the whole economy by quarter in accordance with the concepts of national accounts. Original, seasonally adjusted and trend series. Data at current prices and at reference year 2010 prices. The time series start from the year 1990. The data are public.

Classifications used

The classifications are in accordance with ESA 2010. Classification of industries: the statistics are compiled at the accuracy of 21 industries for the whole country. Gross fixed capital formation: data divided according to the classification of assets into buildings, machinery, equipment and transport equipment, and intellectual property products. Household consumption expenditure is classified by durability into durable, semi-durable and non-durable goods, services and tourism expenditure as net.

Data collection methods and data sources

The compilation utilises various statistics describing economic development that are produced by Sta-tistics Finland and other institutes and organisations.

Data collections

Updating frequency


Time of completion or release

Completed 65 days after the end of each quarter.

Time series

Data starting from 1990.


business cycles, consumption, demand, gross domestic product, gross national income, investments, national accounts, national economy, national income, production, public expenditure, supply, value added

Contact information

Last updated 04.10.2019