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Progress of studies

Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Education
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes


These statistics describe how new entrants to post-comprehensive school education progress in their studies up to the attainment of a qualification or degree. The statistics contain data on started education, duration of education, change of education, and on what students have done if they have discontinued education. Data on the progress of university studies have been produced at intervals of a fixed number of years since the 1980s and the 1990s. Data on the progress of studies in upper secondary general, vocational and polytechnic, and university education are produced by monitoring the progress made by new students since the year 2000. In accordance with the Statistics Act, the personal data from which these statistics are compiled are confidential. As a rule, the statistics produced from them are public.

Data content

The statistics contain data on the progress of studies in upper secondary general, vocational, polytechnic and university education. The data describe started education, duration of education, change of education and what students have done if they have not completed the started education.

Classifications used

The statistical data are classified by Statistics Finland’s, the Educational Administration’s and international classifications of fields and levels of education, classifications describing types of educational institutions and by diverse regional and demographic classifications.

Data collection methods and data sources

The data are produced by combining Statistics Finland’s individual-based total data on students. The data on new entrants to education and on students are based on those collected by Statistics Finland, the data on attained degrees and qualifications on Statistics Finland’s Register of Completed Education and Degrees, and the data on employment and other activity on those of Statistics Finland’s employment statistics.

Data collections

Updating frequency

The statistics are produced annually.

Time of completion or release

The data are ready in March.

Time series

Data on the progress of university studies have been produced since the 1980s and 1990s at set intervals of years. Data on the progress of studies in upper secondary general, vocational, polytechnic and university education are produced by monitoring the progress of studies of new entrants starting from the year 2000.


degrees, discontinuation of studies, duration of studies, education, educational institutions, qualifications, students

Contact information

Last updated 06.09.2019