Capital stock
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: National Accounts
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
Capital stock calculations describe the stock of fixed capital used in the production of goods and services, gross capital formation, physical depreciation and reduction of value, or consumption, of capital.
Data content
Capital stock is estimated with a calculation model based on the method for accumulation of investments. Total stock is calculated both as gross and net concepts. Data concerning capital stock calculations are available since 1975 at current and constant prices and by type of capital good and industry. As special compilations selected data on capital stock are available from as far back as 1920. Data on capital stock are used in productivity calculations and as estimates of fixed capital depreciation in national accounts. Fixed capital reserves is a crucial element in determining national wealth.
The data are public.
Classifications used
Standard industrial classification (TL 2002), Classification of types of capital goods, Classification of institutional sectors 2000, Classification of types of producers.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data are derived from those on investments in national accounts.
Updating frequency
Twice per year.
Time of completion or release
July and January.
Time series
From 1960.
capital, capital formation, capital stock, national accounts
Contact information
Last updated 08.05.2012