Building cost index
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Prices and Costs
Related topics: Construction
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The building cost index describes relative changes in the building costs of building works and buildings of essentially identical structures by monitoring developments in the prices of the basic inputs used in their building.
Data content
In the building cost index, all published index series describe professional newbuilding or renovation building performed by building contractors.
Professional newbuilding is described by the official Building Cost Index regulated by the EU and it includes the four indices by type of building, as well as input indices. Professional renovation building is described by the renovation indices of residential building construction. In addition, so-called contract indices, which are indices by groups of materials are calculated.
Classifications used
Nomenclature of inputs, nomenclature of outputs, type of building
Data collection methods and data sources
Direct inquiry to wholesalers, retailers and producers of building materials, and providers of building services. Data on wages and salaries from Statistics Finland’s statistics on them. Data on service headings primarily derive from the producer price index for services.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Day 15 or the weekday preceding it of the month following the statistical reference month.
Time series
Index series are available for almost the entire 1900s. Statistics Finland has calculated the following series: 1951=100, 1964=100, 1973=100, 1980=100, 1990=100, 1995=100 and 2000=100. Old indices are chained using changes in the latest index.
building cost index, building costs, buildings, construction , dwellings, house construction, indices, transfer price coefficient
Contact information
Last updated 31.12.2021