Participation in leisure activities
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Living Conditions
Related topics: Culture and the Media
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The statistics on participation in leisure activities examine the population's leisure activities and social participation, their development and participation of different population groups. Information is also produced on the ratio between work and leisure, social relationships and importance attached to different spheres of life. The Leisure Survey has been conducted in 1977, 1981, 1991, 2002 and 2017.
In 2017, the data for the Leisure Survey were collected with self-filled web and paper questionnaires and face-to-face interviews.
Data content
The Leisure Survey is a sample survey representing the household population aged 10 and over living in Finland. The survey examines the population’s leisure activities, hobbies and social and other participation and the development of these. The object of the survey is everyday life outside paid work and formal education: how people experience their everyday life and how it has changed.
Data in the tables are public. The basic data are confidential. A charged service dataset has been formed from the data and it is released for research use subject to user licence.
Classifications used
The background variables for the data are age, gender, generation, socio-economic group, level of education, municipality group, major region, urban-rural classification.
Data collection methods and data sources
In 2017, the data were collected as a combined web and postal survey from persons aged 15 to 74. For persons aged 10 to 14 and 75 or over, the method was a face-to-face interview. Some of the data are obtained from administrative registers (the Population Register, the Register of Completed Education and Degrees).
Data collections
Updating frequency
Ten years on the average.
Time of completion or release
The first releases have been published around six months after the end of the data collection.
Time series
1977, 1981, 1991, 2002, 2017
art, art activities, books, choirs, civic participation, collective activities, concerts, cultural activities, cultural associations, cultural events, cultural participation, culture, dance, digital games, digitalisation, domestic work, festivals, films, gaming, handicraft, hobby, ICT, Internet, leisure, magazines, mass communication, museums, music, newspapers, opera, participation, physical exercise, radio, reading, social life, social media, spending time at free-time residences, study, television broadcasting, theatre, tourism, visual arts, voluntary work, writing as a hobby
Contact information
Additional information
Last updated 30.04.2020