Environmental goods and services sector
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Environment and Natural
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
Statistics on the environmental goods and services sector describe business activities involving the environment practised in Finland. The environmental goods and services sector refers to production based on environmental pollution prevention or saving natural resources. The production may be producing of products, services or technology. Statistics on the environmental goods and services sector are part of the framework of the System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA), which monitors the interaction between the environment and the economy. The EU's Regulation (No 691/2011, 538/2014) on European environmental economic accounts and its implementing Regulation (No 2174/2015) oblige EU Member States to compile statistics on the environmental goods and services sector starting from 2014.
Data content
The statistics describe the production activity of the environmental goods and services sector through the monetary variables of turnover, value added, exports and employment. In the statistics on the environmental goods and services sector, the figures are presented according to the industrial classification used in national accounts. Where necessary, these data can thus be combined directly to other calculations based on national accounts. In addition, the figures of the environmental goods and services sector are presented according to the product and service classification of the environmental goods and services sector based on the EU’s standard. This classification is used to describe the division of production to different areas of environmental protection and natural resources control. The data of the statistics on the environmental goods and services sector are public.
Classifications used
The classifications used in the statistics are the Standard Industrial Classification (TOL2008) based on international standards and the product and service classification of the environmental goods and services sector (classification of 2014).
Data collection methods and data sources
The statistics are primarily based on the data of Statistics Finland, Finnish Customs, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the Energy Authority, the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland, and the Finnish Environmental Insurance Centre. In addition, the expertise of other bodies, such as central organisations, is utilised in exploring the shares of the environmental goods and services sector for different production types.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The data are updated once a year.
Time of completion or release
The data on the environmental goods and services sector are released in December, approximately 12 months from the end of the statistical reference year related to it.
Time series
The figures of the environmental goods and services sector made according to the present calculation method are available from 2012 onwards. The time series from 2012 to 2015 was published in connection with the release on the Environmental goods and services sector 2015. The production of the statistics on the environmental goods and services sector was started from the data for 2009, but the statistical figures of the first releases were calculated by means of the old calculation method, and they are thus not comparable with the statistical figures in the release on the Environmental goods and services sector 2015.
energy production, air protection, waste management, waste water, turnover, noise abatement, emissions, non-renewable natural resources, renewable natural resources, environmental business activity, environmental protection, environmental economics
Contact information
Additional information
Last updated 14.12.2017