Structural business and financial statement statistics
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Enterprises
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The structural business and financial statement statistics describe enterprises operating in Finland. The statistics comprise industry-specific data on the number of enterprises, personnel, financial statements and itemisation of turnover and expenditure. The data on enterprises' financial statements describe the formation of profit, profitability and balance sheet structure in different industries. The examined variables are profit and loss account and balance sheet data, and parameters calculated from them. The statistics also include information on the growth of enterprises and how they have managed after the starting year.
Data content
The statistical unit used is enterprise. Enterprises' establishments are not included in the data. Data contain central and local government enterprises. Excluded from the description are units of public sector authorities and non-profit corporations, as well as financial and insurance activities and those agricultural units that do not fulfil the criteria for statistics.
The data include profit and loss account and balance sheet data, itemised data on income and expenditure, itemised balance sheet data, increases and decreases in fixed assets, and the number of personnel. In addition, the data include basic and classification data of enterprises.
The data are used to produce parameters by industry and statistics describing profit and loss account and balance sheet data.
Because the material contains data describing business activity at unit level, the use and release of the data are subject to general rules on confidentiality. The statistics compiled from the data are public under the condition that no individual enterprise’s data can be identified from them.
Classifications used
Standard Industrial Classification TOL 2008, classification of size categories, Classification of Institutional Sectors.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data cover exhaustively all business enterprises in all industries. The data are collected partly direct from enterprises and partly by utilising the Tax Administration's business taxation data.
All enterprises employing at least 50 persons are included in the direct collection of additional data on enterprises' profit and loss accounts and balance sheets. In addition, enterprises employing 10 to 49 persons have been drawn into the inquiry by random sampling. The inquiry also comprises some enterprises employing fewer than ten persons and all local government enterprises. The profit and loss account and balance sheet data of smaller enterprises and non-respondent enterprises are derived from administrative files and other data are imputed by exploiting data obtained from administrative files and from Statistics Finland's inquiries.
Besides several data collections from enterprises, administrative files from the Tax Administration and the National Board of Patents and Registration are utilised in the production of the statistics. In addition to financial statement data, data collections are used for defining and checking the number of personnel, industry and other basic information in enterprises. For enterprises not included in the direct data collections, numbers of employees are estimated from the Tax Administration's data on wages and salaries.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Preliminary data are completed in September of the year following the statistical reference year and final structural business and financial statements data in December.
Time series
Data on financial statements have been released since 1974. Data on enterprises' industry and personnel are available from 1984 onwards.
Enterprises, industries, personnel, financial statement, turnover, profit and loss account, balance sheets, profitability, value added, investments
Contact information
Last updated 22.08.2018