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Published: 12 November 2010

Polytechnic students numbered 138,900 in 2010

According to Statistics Finland, a total of 138,900 students attended polytechnic education leading to a degree in autumn 2010. This was 2,8 per cent more than in 2009. The number of new students was 39,500, which is 3,3 per cent more than one year previously. The numbers of students were highest in the fields of technology, transport and welfare, health and physical exercise. The number of students attending education leading to a higher polytechnic degree was 6,500 in 2010, which is 1,000 students more than in 2009.

New students and students in polytechnics by region in 2010

Region New students, total New students, men New students, women Students, total Students, men Students, women
Whole country 39 454 17 725 21 729 138 852 63 866 74 986
Continental Finland 39 276 17 609 21 667 138 292 63 508 74 784
Uusimaa 9 851 4 310 5 541 36 122 15 904 20 218
Itä-Uusimaa 440 111 329 1 474 398 1 076
Varsinais-Suomi 3 229 1 403 1 826 11 161 4 999 6 162
Satakunta 1 807 839 968 6 262 2 861 3 401
Kanta-Häme 1 749 813 936 6 116 2 824 3 292
Pirkanmaa 2 981 1 473 1 508 10 838 5 611 5 227
Päijät-Häme 1 603 600 1 003 5 529 2 242 3 287
Kymenlaakso 1 222 570 652 4 245 1 992 2 253
South Karelia 893 375 518 3 033 1 384 1 649
Etelä-Savo 1 545 586 959 5 364 2 210 3 154
Pohjois-Savo 2 009 890 1 119 6 752 3 105 3 647
North Karelia 1 217 576 641 4 220 2 011 2 209
Central Finland 1 975 927 1 048 7 088 3 382 3 706
South Ostrobothnia 1 374 613 761 4 832 2 222 2 610
Ostrobothnia 1 704 891 813 5 758 3 064 2 694
Central Ostrobothnia 528 250 278 1 826 865 961
North Ostrobothnia 2 612 1 218 1 394 9 264 4 536 4 728
Kainuu 659 302 357 2 072 996 1 076
Lapland 1 878 862 1 016 6 336 2 902 3 434
Åland 178 116 62 560 358 202
Åland 178 116 62 560 358 202

Source: Education 2010. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Vesa Hämäläinen (09) 1734 2594,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma


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Updated 12.11.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): University of applied sciences education [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-3196. Polytechnic education students 2010. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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