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Published: 15 November 2011

Polytechnic students numbered 139,900 in 2011

According to Statistics Finland, a total of 139,900 students attended polytechnic education leading to a degree in autumn 2011. This was 0,7 per cent more than in 2010. The number of new students was 38,800, which is 1,6 per cent less than one year previously. The numbers of students were highest in the fields of technology, transport and welfare, health and physical exercise. The number of students attending education leading to a higher polytechnic degree was 7,300 in 2011, which is 800 students more than in 2010.

New students and students in polytechnics by region in 2011

Region New students, total New students, men New students, women Students, total Students, men Students, women
Whole country 38 839 17 640 21 199 139 857 64 921 74 936
Continental Finland 38 705 17 556 21 149 139 282 64 539 74 743
Uusimaa 10 551 4 585 5 966 38 105 16 774 21 331
Varsinais-Suomi 2 976 1 298 1 678 11 185 5 075 6 110
Satakunta 1 856 826 1 030 6 268 2 887 3 381
Kanta-Häme 1 642 816 826 6 238 2 959 3 279
Pirkanmaa 2 786 1 341 1 445 10 712 5 552 5 160
Päijät-Häme 1 670 665 1 005 5 701 2 310 3 391
Kymenlaakso 1 185 533 652 4 210 1 968 2 242
South Karelia 944 374 570 3 132 1 375 1 757
Etelä-Savo 1 494 614 880 5 131 2 117 3 014
Pohjois-Savo 1 800 841 959 6 630 3 055 3 575
North Karelia 1 245 620 625 4 348 2 117 2 231
Central Finland 1 905 909 996 7 239 3 512 3 727
South Ostrobothnia 1 360 626 734 4 850 2 304 2 546
Ostrobothnia 1 552 812 740 5 832 3 124 2 708
Central Ostrobothnia 614 303 311 1 934 910 1 024
North Ostrobothnia 2 586 1 168 1 418 9 292 4 448 4 844
Kainuu 629 279 350 2 119 1 018 1 101
Lapland 1 910 946 964 6 356 3 034 3 322
Åland 134 84 50 575 382 193
Åland 134 84 50 575 382 193

Source: Education. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Vesa Hämäläinen (09) 1734 2594,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma


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Updated 15.11.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): University of applied sciences education [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-3196. Polytechnic education students 2011. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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