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Appendix table 1. New students and total number of students in polytechnics by type of education and fields of education (Educational Administration's classification) in 2012 to 2013

Type of education New students 2012 Total number of students 2012 New students 2013 Total number of students 2013
Students by fields of education 38 300 139 876 37 511 138 880
  Humanities and Education 525 1 674 525 1 721
Culture 2 888 11 954 2 075 10 835
Social Sciences, Business and Administration 8 132 28 375 8 092 28 891
Natural Sciences 1 607 5 898 1 482 5 765
Technology, Communications and Transport 10 397 41 213 10 722 41 032
Natural Resources and the Environment 1 097 4 300 1 051 4 186
Social Services, Health and Sports 11 089 37 383 11 698 38 148
Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services 2 565 9 004 1 866 8 214
Other Education - 75 - 88
Education for young people leading to a polytechnic degree Total 28 902 110 369 27 593 108 399
Humanities and Education 385 1 380 424 1 443
Culture 2 391 10 385 1 640 9 316
Social Sciences, Business and Administration 5 906 21 520 5 930 21 684
Natural Sciences 1 236 4 644 1 097 4 478
Technology, Communications and Transport 8 310 33 844 8 355 33 482
Natural Resources and the Environment 849 3 342 766 3 242
Social Services, Health and Sports 7 873 28 249 8 001 28 408
Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services 1 952 7 005 1 380 6 346
Adult education leading to a polytechnic degree Total 6 490 21 673 6 624 21 915
Humanities and Education 100 214 76 203
Culture 398 1 408 342 1 350
Social Sciences, Business and Administration 1 391 4 751 1 359 4 823
Natural Sciences 268 990 273 981
Technology, Communications and Transport 1 410 5 491 1 488 5 497
Natural Resources and the Environment 223 789 186 738
Social Services, Health and Sports 2 295 6 527 2 548 6 905
Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services 405 1 428 352 1 330
Other Education - 75 - 88
Higher polytechnic degree (Master) Total 2 908 7 834 3 294 8 566
Humanities and Education 40 80 25 75
Culture 99 161 93 169
Social Sciences, Business and Administration 835 2 104 803 2 384
Natural Sciences 103 264 112 306
Technology, Communications and Transport 677 1 878 879 2 053
Natural Resources and the Environment 25 169 99 206
Social Services, Health and Sports 921 2 607 1 149 2 835
Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services 208 571 134 538

Source: Education. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Anna Loukkola 09 1734 3678,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 15.11.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): University of applied sciences education [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-3196. Polytechnic education degrees 2013, Appendix table 1. New students and total number of students in polytechnics by type of education and fields of education (Educational Administration's classification) in 2012 to 2013 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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