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Data published after 5 April 2022 can be found on the renewed website.

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Appendix table 1. Students in universities of applied sciences and completed university of applied sciences degrees 1995 to 2017

Year Temporary universities of applied sciences           Permanent universities of applied sciences           New students Total number of students Completed qualifications and degrees
Total             Of whom women Total Of whom women Total Of whom women
1995 22 - 10 540 5 380 31 557 15 890 1 638 1 120
1996 19 9 18 153 9 795 42 722 21 912 4 580 2 539
1997 15 16 27 493 14 969 62 258 33 094 5 956 3 385
1998 13 21 31 887 18 210 82 211 44 841 6 971 4 178
1999 8 25 33 149 18 786 100 783 55 488 9 890 6 361
2000 1 30 33 562 19 159 114 020 62 700 14 178 9 159
2001 1 30 33 001 18 801 118 013 65 123 18 045 11 631
2002 1 30 34 691 18 913 126 767 67 838 20 462 13 074
2003 - 31 36 701 20 221 129 875 69 245 20 588 13 008
2004 - 31 36 483 20 542 131 919 70 890 20 821 13 000
2005 - 31 36 911 20 859 132 783 71 910 21 397 13 429
2006 - 31 36 276 20 221 132 560 71 951 21 006 13 361
2007 - 30 36 632 20 348 133 284 72 607 20 969 13 323
2008 - 28 36 999 20 954 132 501 72 560 21 812 13 854
2009 - 28 38 197 20 937 135 033 73 217 21 039 13 450
2010 - 27 39 454 21 729 138 852 74 986 21 899 13 774
2011 - 27 38 839 21 199 139 857 74 936 22 898 14 505
2012 - 27 38 300 21 643 139 876 75 271 23 914 14 973
2013 - 27 37 511 20 976 138 880 74 715 24 833 15 262
2014 - 26 38 574 21 376 138 719 74 499 25 002 15 530
2015 - 26 38 671 21 448 139 727 74 695 26 175 16 244
2016 - 26 38 598 21 005 140 792 74 641 25 713 16 040
2017 - 25 38 021 20 859 141 228 74 437 26 304 16 502

Source: Education. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jukka Jalolahti 029 551 3588,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 18.4.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): University of applied sciences education [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-3196. 2017, Appendix table 1. Students in universities of applied sciences and completed university of applied sciences degrees 1995 to 2017 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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