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Published: 24 July 2008

The number of enterprise openings continued to fall - number of closures also on the decrease

The number of enterprise openings fell by almost seven per cent in the first quarter of 2008. Examined by industry, the number of enterprise openings was highest in real estate and business activities, and by region relative to the enterprise stock in the Region of Uusimaa. The number of enterprise closures started decreasing in the last quarter of 2007, by almost six per cent from the corresponding quarter of the year before. Examined by industry, real estate and business activities recorded also the highest numbers of enterprise closures and by region relative to the enterprise stock their number was highest in the Region of Itä-Uusimaa. Examined by legal form, there were 10 per cent fewer openings of enterprises of the corporate form of natural person and some three per cent fewer openings of enterprises of the corporate form of limited company than in the respective time period of the previous year.

Enterprise openings, 1st quarter of 2008

According to Statistics Finland, there were 10,993 enterprise openings in the first quarter of 2008. Enterprise openings decreased by 6.8 per cent from the corresponding quarter of 2007 when they numbered 11,798. Enterprise openings accounted for 3.6 per cent of the total stock of enterprises in the first quarter of 2008.

The number of enterprise openings was the highest in real estate and business activities where they totalled 3,386, or 30.8 per cent of all enterprise openings in the first quarter. In trade, enterprise openings numbered 1,894 (17.2 %) and in construction 1,859 (16.9 %).

Examined by region, the number of enterprise openings was highest in the Region of Uusimaa, where they totalled 3,756. Uusimaa also had the most enterprise openings relative to the enterprise stock (4.2 per cent).

Examined by municipality, the highest numbers of enterprise openings were recorded in the first quarter of 2008 in Helsinki (1,950), Espoo (534), Tampere (436) and Turku (415). Compared to the first quarter of 2007, enterprise openings increased most in Kuopio (57) and decreased most in Espoo (-80).

Enterprise openings, 1st quarter, 2001-2008

Enterprise openings, 1st quarter, 2001-2008

Enterprise closures, 4th quarter of 2007

According to Statistics Finland, there were 8,780 enterprise closures in the last quarter of 2007. Compared to the last quarter of the year before, enterprise closures decreased by 5.9 per cent, as in the last quarter of 2006 they numbered 9,332. Enterprise closures accounted for 2.9 per cent of the total stock of enterprises in the fourth quarter of 2007.

The number of enterprise closures was highest in real estate and business activities, where they totalled 2,358 (26.9 %). In trade, enterprise closures numbered 1,932 (22.0 %) and in construction 1,249 (14.2 %).

Examined by region, in the last quarter of 2007 the number of enterprise closures was highest in the Region of Uusimaa, where they totalled 2,788. Relative to the enterprise stock the number of enterprise closures was highest in the Region of Itä-Uusimaa (3.4 per cent).

Examined by municipality, the highest numbers of enterprise openings were recorded in the last quarter of 2007 in Helsinki (1,340), Espoo (416), Tampere (363) and Vantaa (306). Compared to the last quarter of 2006, enterprise closures increased most in Espoo (34) and Lohja (24) and decreased most in Helsinki (-248) and Turku (-116).

Enterprise closures, 4th quarter, 2001-2007

Enterprise closures, 4th quarter, 2001-2007

Source: Business Register: Enterprise openings and closures. Enterprise openings, 2008 1st quarter; enterprise closures, 2007 4th quarter. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marketta Kaskirinne-Salo (09) 1734 3542, Janne Peltola (09) 1734 2929,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala


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Updated 24.7.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Enterprise openings and closures [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-2346. 1st quarter 2008. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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