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Published: 21 October 2010

Numbers of enterprise openings and closures declined

In 2009 the number of enterprise openings fell by nearly ten per cent and that of enterprise closures by nearly four per cent. Examined by industry, enterprise openings and closures increased most in the industry of trade, and by region in Uusimaa. The number of enterprise openings declined in all regions. The number of enterprise closures grew only in the regions of Pirkanmaa, Päijät-Häme and North Karelia.

Enterprise openings and closures in 2009

According to Statistics Finland, 31,184 new enterprises opened in 2009. Enterprise openings accounted for 9.6 per cent of the total stock of enterprises in 2009. The number of enterprise openings decreased by 9.8 per cent compared with 2008. The number of enterprise openings was highest in trade, where it totalled 5,528, or 17.7 per cent of all enterprise openings in 2009.

Enterprise closures numbered 26,027 in 2009. Enterprise closures accounted for 7.9 per cent of the total stock of enterprises in 2009. The number of enterprise openings decreased by 3.7 per cent from 2008. The number of closures was highest in trade, where it totalled 5,302 enterprises (20.4%).

Examined by region, the highest numbers of both enterprise openings and closures were recorded in 2009 in Uusimaa (10,784 and 9,027, respectively). Compared with 2008, enterprise openings decreased most in Uusimaa (-901) and enterprise closures increased most in Pirkanmaa (93).

Examined by sub-regional unit, the highest number of enterprise openings relative to the enterprise stock was recorded in 2009 in the sub-regional unit of Äänekoski (11.3%), and as an absolute number in the sub-regional unit of Helsinki (10,505). The highest number of enterprise closures as a proportion to the enterprise stock was recorded in the sub-regional unit of Äänekoski (10.0%) and as absolute numbers in the sub-regional unit of Hel-sinki (8,755).

Examined by municipality, the largest absolute growth of the enterprise stock was recorded in 2009 in Helsinki, where enterprise openings numbered 5,388 and enterprise closures 4,467. Compared with 2008, enterprise openings increased most in Pirkkala (25) and decreased most in Helsinki (-233). The number of enterprise clo-sures increased most in Tampere (103) and decreased most in Espoo (-190).

These numbers include changes in enterprises resulting from, among other things, incorporations and mergers.

Enterprise openings and closures

Enterprise openings and closures

Source: Business Register: Enterprise openings and closures 2009. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marketta Kaskirinne-Salo (09) 1734 3542, Mark Rantala (09) 1734 2706,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

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Updated 21.10.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Enterprise openings and closures [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-2346. 2009. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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