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Published: 23 January 2014

Establishment of new enterprises sluggish

According to Statistics Finland, the number of enterprise openings decreased by 5.2 per cent in the third quarter of 2013 from the respective quarter of the year before. Examined by industry, the number of enterprise openings was highest in trade, and by region in Uusimaa. In the second quarter of 2013, the number of enterprise closures was up by 5.8 per cent on the corresponding quarter of the year before. Examined by industry, enterprise closures increased most in the industry of trade, and by region in Uusimaa.

Enterprise openings, 3th quarter

Enterprise openings, 3th quarter

Enterprise openings, 3rd quarter of 2013

According to Statistics Finland, there were 6,668 enterprise openings in the third quarter of 2013. Enterprise openings decreased by 5.2 per cent from the corresponding quarter of 2012, when they numbered 7,032. Enterprise openings accounted for 1.9 per cent of the total stock of enterprises in the third quarter of 2013.

Examined by industry, the number of enterprise openings was highest in trade, where they numbered 1,157, or 17.4 per cent of all enterprise openings in the third quarter. In professional, scientific and technical activities, enterprise openings numbered 1,015 (15.2%) and in construction 949 (14.2%). The number of enterprise openings decreased most in construction (-172) compared with the third quarter of 2012.

Examined by region, the number of enterprise openings was highest in the third quarter of 2013 in Uusimaa, where they totalled 2,517. The number of enterprise openings was next highest in Pirkanmaa (608) and Varsinais-Suomi (584). Relative to the enterprise stock, the number of enterprise openings was highest in Uusimaa, 2.3 per cent. Compared to the third quarter of 2012, enterprise openings increased most in South Ostrobothnia (23) and decreased most in North Ostrobothnia (-64).

Examined by sub-regional unit, in the third quarter of 2013, the number of enterprise openings was highest in the sub-regional unit of Helsinki (2,367), followed by the sub-regional units of Tampere (489) and Turku (416). Compared to the corresponding quarter of 2012, enterprise openings increased most in the sub-regional unit of Seinäjoki (24) and decreased most in the sub-regional unit of Tampere (-55).

Examined by ELY Centre, in the third quarter of 2013, the number of enterprise openings was highest in the ELY Centre of Uusimaa (2,517), followed by the ELY Centres of Pirkanmaa (608) and Varsinais-Suomi (584). Compared to the corresponding quarter of 2012, enterprise openings increased most in the area of the ELY centre of South Ostrobothnia (23) and decreased most in the area of the ELY centre of North Ostrobothnia (-64).

Examined by municipality, the highest numbers of enterprise openings were recorded in the third quarter of 2013 in Helsinki (1,259), followed by Espoo (361), Tampere (297), Vantaa (267) and Turku (258). Compared to the third quarter of 2012, enterprise openings increased most in Helsinki (75) and decreased most in Tampere (-44).

Examined by legal form, in the third quarter of 2013. enterprise openings of the form of natural person numbered 3,341 and those of the form of limited company 2,735. Enterprise openings of the form of natural person accounted for 50.1 per cent and those of the form of limited company for 41.1 per cent of all enterprise openings.

Enterprise closures, 2nd quarter of 2013

According to Statistics Finland, there were 5,164 enterprise closures in the second quarter of 2013. Compared to the second quarter of the year before, enterprise closures increased by 5.8 per cent, as in the second quarter of 2012 they numbered 4,880. Enterprise closures accounted for 1.5 per cent of the total stock of enterprises in the second quarter of 2013.

The number of closures was highest in trade, where they numbered 975, or 18.9 per cent of all enterprise closures in the second quarter. In construction, enterprise closures numbered 792 (15.3%) and in professional, scientific and technical activities 732 (14.2%). The number of enterprise closures increased most in professional, scientific and technical activities (100) compared to the second quarter of 2012.

Examined by region, in the second quarter of 2013, the number of enterprise closures was highest in Uusimaa (1,932). The number of enterprise closures was next highest in Varsinais-Suomi (439) and Pirkanmaa (434). Relative to the enterprise stock, Kainuu had the most enterprise closures (1.8%). Compared to the second quarter of 2012, enterprise closures increased most in Uusimaa (169) and decreased most in Pohjois-Savo (-34).

Examined by sub-regional unit, in the second quarter of 2013, the number of enterprise closures was highest in the sub-regional unit of Helsinki (1,804), followed by the sub-regional units of Tampere (340) and Turku (290). Compared to the corresponding quarter of 2012, enterprise closures increased most in the sub-regional unit of Helsinki (157) and decreased most in the sub-regional unit of Mikkeli (-22).

Examined by ELY Centre, in the second quarter of 2013, the number of enterprise openings was highest in the ELY Centre of Uusimaa (1,932), followed by the ELY Centres of Pirkanmaa (439) and Varsinais-Suomi (434). Compared to the corresponding quarter of 2012, enterprise closures increased most in the area of the ELY centre of Uusimaa (169) and decreased most in the area of the ELY centre of North Savo (-34).

Examined by municipality, the highest numbers of enterprise closures were recorded in the second quarter of 2013 in Helsinki (879), followed by Espoo (298), Vantaa (240) and Tampere (202). Compared to the second quarter of 2012, enterprise closures increased most in Espoo (56) and decreased most in Varkaus (-14).

Examined by legal form, in the second quarter of 2013, enterprise closures of the form of natural person numbered 2,571 and those of the form of limited company 1,903. Enterprise closures of the form of natural person accounted for 49.8 per cent and those of the form of limited company for 36.9 per cent of all enterprise closures.

Enterprise closures, 2nd quarter

Enterprise closures, 2nd quarter

Source: Business Register: Enterprise openings and closures. Enterprise openings, 2013 3th quarter; enterprise closures, 2013 2nd quarter. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marketta Kaskirinne-Salo 09 1734 3542, Jaakko Salmela 09 1734 3454,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

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Updated 23.1.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Enterprise openings and closures [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-2346. 3rd quarter 2013. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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