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Published: 28 October 2016

Enterprise closures in 2015 were most numerous in trade

According to Statistics Finland, the number of enterprise openings in 2015 were most numerous in professional, scientific and technical activities and the number of enterprise closures were most numerous in trade. Regionally enterprise openings and closures were most numerous in Uusimaa.

Enterprises openings and closures by infustry

Enterprises openings and closures by infustry

Enterprise openings and closures in 2015

According to Statistics Finland, there were 28,243 enterprise openings in 2015. Enterprise openings accounted for 7.5 per cent of the total stock of enterprises. The number of enterprise openings was highest in professional, scientific and technical activities, where it totalled 4,589, or 16.2 per cent of all enterprise openings in 2015..

There were 25,672 enterprise closures in 2015. Enterprise closures accounted for 6.9 per cent of the total stock of enterprises. The number of enterprise closures was highest in trade, where it totaled 4,751, or 18.5 per cent of all enterprise closures in 2015.

Examined by region, the highest numbers of both enterprise openings (10,658) and closures (9,161) were recorded in Uusimaa in 2015.

Examined by sub-regional unit, the highest numbers of both enterprise openings and closures in 2015 were recorded in the sub-regional unit of Helsinki (10,035 and 8,578, respectively). Relative to the enterprise stock, the number of enterprise openings was highest in the sub-regional unit of Helsinki (8.9%) and that of closures was highest in the sub-regional unit of Etelä-Pirkanmaa (8.7%).

Examined by municipality, the highest numbers of both enterprise openings (5,481) and closures (4,587) were recorded in Helsinki in 2015.

Examined by legal form, during 2015 enterprise openings of the form of natural person numbered 13,536 and those of the form of limited company 12,165. Enterprise closures of the form of natural person numbered 14,088 and those of the form of limited company 8,471.

These numbers include changes in enterprises resulting from incorporations and mergers, for example.

Enterprise openings and closures are deduced from the Tax Administration’s customer database. Therefore, changes in Tax Administration’s information systems or database management practices may affect the statistics and the comparability of the time series.

Source: Business Register: Enterprise openings and closures 2015. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marketta Kaskirinne-Salo 09 1734 3542, Jaakko Salmela 09 1734 3454,

Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

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Updated 28.10.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Enterprise openings and closures [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-2346. 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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