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Data published after 5 April 2022 can be found on the renewed website.

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New students, students and qualifications in apprenticeship training by field of education 2008

Field of education New students Students Completers of a qualification
Total 28,013 70,037 12,193
Humanities and Education 485 1,229 299
Culture 464 968 106
Economics and Administration 9,403 24,198 4,884
Natural sciences 330 1,155 157
Technology and transport 11,219 27,646 3,959
Natural resources and the Environment 546 1,418 262
Welfare, Health and Sport 3,445 8,491 1,551
Tourism, Catering and Home economics 2,121 4,932 975

Last updated 3.11.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Ammatillinen koulutus [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-196X. Oppisopimuskoulutuksen opiskelijat ja tutkinnon suorittaneet 2008, New students, students and qualifications in apprenticeship training by field of education 2008 . Helsinki: Tilastokeskus [referred: 17.10.2024].
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