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3.2 Job vacancies by industry 2009/I - 2008/I

  Year/Quarter Change Change (%)
   2009/I    2008/IV    2008/III    2008/II    2008/I 2009/I - 2008/I 2009/I - 2008/I
Industry (TOL 2008)              
Total 46 100 27 800 42 100 60 100 80 400 -34 300 -43
Argiculture, forestry and fishing (A) 1 600 1 000 600 1 300 500 1 100 ..
Manufacturing; Mining and quarrying and other industry (B-E) 6 200 1 800 6 200 7 500 17 800 -11 600 -65
Construction (F) 900 1 000 2 100 6 800 5 400 -4 500 -83
Wholesale and retail trade; Tranportation and storage; Accomodation and food service (G-I) 11 500 7 700 10 300 14 500 18 900 -7 300 -39
Information and communication (J) 2 400 1 100 2 900 1 200 3 400 -1 000 -29
Financial and insurance activities; Real estate activities (K,L) 1 000 1 500 700 2 300 1 700 -800 -44
Professional, scientific and technical activities; Administrative and support service activities (M,N) 6 300 3 600 7 900 5 900 11 400 -5 100 -45
Public administration; Education, Human health and social work activities (O-Q) 13 500 7 400 10 000 17 200 18 000 -4 400 -25
Other service activities (R-T) 2 600 2 700 1 500 3 400 3 200 -700 -20

Source: Job vacancy survey 2009, 1st quarter 2009. Statistics Finland.

Inquiries: Juha Martikainen (09) 1734 3225

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 20.5.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Job vacancy survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-2278. 1st quarter 2009, 3.2 Job vacancies by industry 2009/I - 2008/I . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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