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Published: 11 August 2010

More job vacancies in the second quarter than one year earlier

Corrected on 12 August 2010. The correction is indicated in red. Was previously 3,400.

According to the Job Vacancy Survey of Statistics Finland there were 48,600 job vacancies in the second quarter of 2010, which was 29 per cent more than one year earlier (37,800). The measurement for the second quarter was taken on 1 June.

Job vacancies 2010/II – 2009/II

       2010/II        2009/II
Job vacancies 48 600 37 800
Part-time 32 % 21%
Fixed term 63 % 64%
Hard-to-fill vacancies 41 % 33%

In the second quarter, 26,400 or 54 per cent of the job vacancies were in private enterprises. Compared with the quarter one year ago, job vacancies increased throughout the country. By industry job vacancies increased in trade (3,400), professional, scientific and technical activities ( 3,300 ), public administration, education and human health and social work activities (2,200) and manufacturing (1,700).

The relative share of part-time vacancies increased by 11 percentage points from one year ago. Employers had fewer recruitment problems than one year ago. The share of hard-to-fill vacancies of all job vacancies increased by eight percentage points to 41 per cent.

Statistics Finland has been collecting data on job vacancies quarterly since the beginning of 2002. The statistics are based on a sample of establishments of enterprises and general government. The data are collected with telephone interviews and web questionnaires. The statistics are decreed by a regulation of the European Union. The objective is to produce up-to-date and comparable information about the number and structure of job openings on the labour markets of EU Member States.

Source: Job vacancy survey 2010, 2nd quarter 2009. Statistics Finland.

Inquiries: Juha Martikainen (09) 1734 3225

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

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Updated 16.5.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Job vacancy survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-2278. 2nd quarter 2010. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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