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Published: 14 November 2013

Number of open job vacancies 23,500 in the third quarter of 2013

According to the Job Vacancy Survey of Statistics Finland, there were 23,500 open job vacancies in the third quarter of 2013. The reference period of the data for the third quarter was 1 September.

Job vacancies 2013/III

  Year/Quarter Year/Quarter
       2013/III        2013/III
       Number        Share, %
Job vacancies 23 500  
Part-time 6 300 27
Fixed term 6 800 29
Hard-to-fill vacancies 12 000 51
The sub-groups are not mutually exclusive so their sum
does not correspond with the total number of open job vacancies.

In all, 18,300, or 78 per cent, of the job vacancies in the third quarter of 2013 were in private enterprises. Most open job vacancies were available in establishments that belong to the industry groups trade, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities (5,600), and professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities (5,100). Examined by region, most open job vacancies were available in establishments located in the major region of Helsinki-Uusimaa (7,600).

Of the open job vacancies in the third quarter of 2013, 27 per cent were part-time and 29 per cent fixed-term. Based on employers' own estimates, 51 per cent of the job vacancies were hard-to-fill. The hard-to-fill nature of open job vacancies was emphasised in trade, administrative and support service activities, and in accommodation and food service activities, where establishments sought particularly for technical sales personnel, cleaners, sales representatives and restaurant workers.

Statistics Finland has been collecting data on open job vacancies quarterly since 2002. The inquiry is directed to persons responsible for recruitment in private or public sector establishments. The data provider can respond either using the web questionnaire or through a telephone interview. The data collection includes 2,500 different establishments in every quarter. The statistics are based on Regulation (EC) No 453/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The objective is to produce up-to-date and comparable information about the number and structure of job openings on the labour markets of EU Member States.

The sample design of the Job Vacancy Survey was changed for the statistical year 2013 so that the target samples and strata better correspond with the information needs of data users. The implemented reforms have a considerable effect on the results and they cannot be compared to previously published data. Data based on the new design in the Job Vacancy Survey are published from the first quarter of 2013 onwards. The previously produced time series are no longer updated. Further information can be found in the Methodological description, which is part of the Quality description of the statistical release in Finnish

Source: Job vacancy survey 2013, 3rd quarter. Statistics Finland.

Inquiries: Antti Halmetoja 09 1734 3763,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

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Updated 14.11.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Job vacancy survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-2278. 3rd quarter 2013. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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