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1. Share of training costs unchanged in EU countries

The share of training costs in labour costs in EU countries was 1.6 per cent on average, which is the same as in 2005. Country-specific changes were similar to those seen for the training participation rates. Measured by costs, investment in personnel training has in the old EU countries grown most in Belgium and Portugal. Finland and Sweden belong to the countries where investment in personnel training has declined somewhat, clearly more in Sweden. Finland's percentage share was slightly below the average for EU countries during both measurements.

Figure 1. Share of course training costs in labour costs in 2005 and 2010, EU 15 countries

Figure 1. Share of course training costs in labour costs in 2005 and 2010, EU 15 countries
The countries are arranged based on the direction of the change and its size. Data for 2010 are missing for Denmark, Ireland and Greece. The dash line describes the average for EU countries.

Course training costs were divided relatively evenly between indirect (remuneration costs during training) and direct costs (charges and fees paid to training organisers, accommodation and travel costs, pay for internal training personnel, premises, and tools and equipment). However, the shares of direct and indirect costs vary considerably by country. In the United Kingdom, the remuneration costs during training form good one-third and in Belgium two-thirds of training costs. In Sweden and Finland, the share of remuneration costs in course training costs is nearly 50 per cent.

Figure 2. Share of course training costs in labour costs in 2005 and 2010, other EU countries

Figure 2. Share of course training costs in labour costs in 2005 and 2010, other EU countries
The countries are arranged based on the share in 2005. The dash line describes the average for EU countries.

In the new Member States, the trends deviate somewhat from the direction indicated by the participation rate. In Slovenia, the figure of the cost indicator has decreased in the same fashion as the participation rate. In the Czech Republic and Estonia, the share of training costs in labour costs has decreased clearly, even though the participation rate has grown slightly.

The share of remuneration costs in overall training costs varies even more in the new member countries than in EU 15 countries. In Romania, the remuneration costs during training form three-quarters of the costs but in Hungary their share is below 30 per cent.

Source: CVTS, Continuing vocational training survey, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Hannu Virtanen 09 1734 2514, Tarja Seppänen 09 1734 3220,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 3.10.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): CVTS, Continuing vocational training [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-0003. Contents and costs of training 2010, 1. Share of training costs unchanged in EU countries . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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