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Appendin table 1. Economic Accounts for Agriculture, preliminary data 2020

  Value 2019
Million euro
Volume index 2020
value at t-1
Price index Value 2020
Million euro
01 Cereals (including seeds) 652 87 569 82 466 71
02 Industrial crops 55 100 55 101 55 101
03 Forage plants 319 94 299 82 245 77
04 Vegetables and horticultural products 516 103 532 101 536 104
05 Potatoes (including seeds) 78 97 76 99 75 96
06 Fruits 128 98 125 111 138 108
09 Other crop products 17 64 11 104 12 67
10 Crop output 1 766 94 1 666 92 1 527 87
11 Animals 931 101 942 100 945 101
11.1 Cattle 425 100 423 100 423 100
11.2 Pigs 277 102 284 103 293 106
11.5 Poultry 195 104 203 97 196 101
12 Animal products 1 323 99 1 312 100 1 311 99
12.1 Milk 1 094 99 1 085 100 1 087 99
12.2 Eggs 80 100 80 100 80 100
12.9 Other animal products total 149 98 146 98 144 97
13 Animal output 2 253 100 2 254 100 2 256 100
14 Agricultural goods output 4 019 98 3 920 97 3 783 94
15 Agricultural services output 155 98 152 95 144 93
16 Agricultural output (14+15) 4 174 98 4 072 96 3 927 94
17 Secondary activities (inseparable) 571 98 560 95 530 93
18 Output of the agricultural 'industry' 4 745 98 4 632 96 4 457 94
19 Total intermediate consumption 3 345 97 3 257 93 3 032 91
19.0.2 Energy lubricants 440 98 429 86 368 84
19.0.3 Fertilisers and soil improvers 326 98 320 93 296 91
19.0.6 Feedingstuffs (intermediate consumption) 1 096 96 1 049 89 934 85
19.0.9 Agricultural services (intermediate consumption) 343 99 339 100 339 99
20 Gross value added at basic prices 1 401 98 1 375 104 1 425 102
21 Fixed capital consumption 1 232 100 1 230 100 1 230 100
22 Net value added at basic prices 169 86 145 135 195 116
23 Compensation of employees 328 .. .. .. 330 101
24 Other taxes on production .. .. .. .. .. ..
25 Other subsidies on production 1 548 .. .. .. 1 538 99
26 Factor income 1 717 .. .. .. 1 733 101
27 Operating surplus/mixed income 1 389 .. .. .. 1 403 101
28 Rents and other real estate rental charges to be paid 229 .. .. .. 230 101
29 Interest paid 98 .. .. .. 98 100
31 Entrepreneurial income 1 062 .. .. .. 1 075 101
40 Total agricultural labour input 62 .. .. .. 60 98

Source: Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA), Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Hannu Maliniemi 029 551 2796,

Head of Department in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

Updated 11.12.2020

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) [e-publication].
ISSN=2670-1006. 2020, Appendin table 1. Economic Accounts for Agriculture, preliminary data 2020 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 13.3.2025].
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