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Published: 23 March 2015

Total energy consumption fell by 2 per cent last year

According to Statistics Finland’s preliminary data, total energy consumption in 2014 amounted to approximately 1,340 petajoule (PJ), or around 372 terawatt hours (TWh), which was more than two per cent less than in 2013. Electricity consumption amounted to 83.3 TWh, down by around one per cent year-on-year. The need for heating energy was reduced by the warmer weather than usual. In turn, the improved water situation in the Nordic countries increased net imports of electricity by 14 per cent. Carbon dioxide emissions from the production of energy decreased by six per cent year-on-year.

Total energy consumption, final consumption and carbon dioxide emissions 1990–2014*

Total energy consumption, final consumption and carbon dioxide emissions 1990–2014*

The warmer weather than usual last year and the increase in net imports of electricity contributed to the decreasing consumption of fossil and wood fuels. Among individual energy sources, the largest reduction of 14 per cent was seen in the consumption of natural gas (15 PJ) last year. The consumption of coal (including hard coal, coke, and blast furnace and coke oven gas) also decreased clearly, by 11 per cent (16 PJ). The consumption of oil went down by three per cent (7.9 PJ). The use of peat increased by nine per cent (5.4 PJ) from the year before, which is explained by an exceptionally low use of peat in 2013. The use of wood fuels diminished by nearly two per cent (5.5 PJ) and it covered around one-quarter of total energy consumption in Finland.

The use of fossil fuels diminished by seven per cent from the year before, which raised the share of renewable energy by one percentage point. The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption rose to 32 per cent last year.

Final consumption of energy went down by one per cent. According to preliminary data, the share of manufacturing in final energy consumption was 47 per cent, which was unchanged from twelve months before. The share of space heating of buildings, which decreased by one per cent from 2013, is one-quarter of the final consumption of energy. The use of energy consumption in transport went down by one per cent, the share of consumption remained almost on level with the year before.

Net imports of electricity reached a new record level, up by 14 per cent (8.1 PJ). The share of net imports in the electricity consumed in Finland was 22 per cent. Imports of electricity from Sweden increased by 47 per cent. Imports from Russia, in turn, went down by 28 per cent. Exports of electricity to Estonia have well more than doubled. Domestic production of electricity decreased by four per cent year-on-year. The warm weather had an effect on the drop in the volume of electricity generated in combined heat and power production by nearly seven per cent. The production of condensate power went down by 25 per cent, primarily due to the better water situation in the Nordic countries compared to last year. Wind power production continued its brisk growth, up by 44 per cent (1.2 PJ). Even though wind power production has quadrupled in five years, its share of Finland's total energy consumption is 0.3 per cent.

Last year, diverse energy products were imported into Finland to the value of EUR ten billion, which was 25 per cent less than one year earlier. Most energy products were imported from Russia, whose share of the value of imports was around 61 per cent. Correspondingly, energy products were exported from Finland to the value of EUR 5.2 billion, which was 25 per cent less than one year previously. Most energy products were exported from Finland to EU countries, which accounted for 76 per cent of the value of exports.

Stocks of coal in December were around 29 TWh, or 26 per cent up on one year earlier. Stocks of energy peat were estimated to be around 18 TWh, which was six per cent less than in the corresponding period of the year before.

Total energy consumption by source (TJ) and CO2 emissions (Mt)

Corrected at 5 pm on 23 March 2015. The corrections are indicated in red.
Energy source, TJ 4) 2014* Annual change-%* Percentage share of
total energy consumption*
Oil 308,693 -3 23
Coal 1) 134,823 -11 10
Natural gas 91,678 -14 7
Nuclear energy 2) 247,174 0 18
Net imports of electricity 3) 64,690 14 5
Hydro power 3) 47,523 4 4
Wind power 3) 4 007 44 0
Peat 62,260 9 5
Wood fuels 333,198 -2 25
Others 46,077 -9 3
Bunkers 28,639 -11 .
CO2 emissions from energy sector 45 -6 .
1) Coal: includes hard coal, coke, blast furnace gas and coke oven gas.
2) Conversion of electricity generation into fuel units: Nuclear power: 10.91 TJ/GWh (33% total efficiency)
3) Conversion of electricity generation into fuel units: Hydro power, wind power and net imports of electricity: 3.6 TJ/GWh (100%)
4) *Preliminary

Source: Statistics Finland, Energy supply and consumption

Inquiries: Ville Maljanen 029 551 2691,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

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Updated 23.3.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy supply and consumption [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-7976. 4th quarter 2014. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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