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Published: 18 June 2015

Total energy consumption fell by 6 per cent in January to March

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, total energy consumption in January to March amounted to 361 PJ (petajoule), which was almost six per cent less than in the corresponding period in 2014. Electricity consumption amounted to 23.4 terawatt hours (TWh), which is two per cent lower than one year earlier. Carbon dioxide emissions from the production of energy decreased by 14 per cent year-on-year.

Total energy consumption

Total energy consumption

Among individual energy sources, the largest reduction of 23 per cent was seen in the consumption of peat (6.2 PJ) in the January to March period. The consumption of coal (including hard coal, coke, and blast furnace and coke oven gas) decreased by 11 per cent (4.5 PJ), similarly as that of natural gas (3.4 PJ). In turn, the consumption of oil grew by four per cent (2.7 PJ) and that of wood fuels fell by six per cent (6.2 PJ).

Domestic production of electricity declined by five per cent in January to March from last year. The nearly three-week stoppage of the Olkiluoto 2 nuclear power station unit in February was visible as a seven per cent fall in the amount of electricity produced by nuclear power. The fallen world market price of electricity has weakened the profitability of condensate power and its production thus went down by 15 per cent, to just eight per cent of total production. The production of wind power continued to grow fast and it was 121 per cent bigger than a year ago. Net imports of electricity went up by eight per cent and their share of all consumed electricity was record high, 22 per cent. Electricity imported from Russia grew 2.5-fold, returning close to the average for recent years. Net imports from the Nordic countries contracted by 18 per cent, but were still clearly greater than in years prior to last year. Exports to Estonia decreased by just one per cent from last year's record level.

In January to March, diverse energy products were imported into Finland to the value of EUR 2.3 billion, which was 22 per cent less than one year earlier. Most energy products were imported from Russia, whose share of the value of imports was 64 per cent. Correspondingly, energy products were exported from Finland to the value of EUR one billion, which was 31 per cent less than one year previously. Most energy products were exported from Finland to EU countries, which accounted for 88 per cent of the value of exports.

In March, stocks of hard coal were 24 TWh, or 26 per cent greater than one year ago. At the end of April, it was estimated that peat stocks contained 15 TWh of energy peat, which was 71 per cent more than one year earlier.

Total energy consumption by source (TJ) and CO2 emissions (Mt)

Energy source 4) I/2015* Annual change-%* Percentage share of
total energy consumption*
Oil 76,603 4 21
Coal 1) 36,251 -11 10
Natural gas 28,822 -11 8
Nuclear Energy 2) 60,489 -7 17
Net Imports of Electricity 3) 18,240 8 5
Hydro power 3) 12,773 10 4
Wind power 3) 2,216 121 1
Peat 20,361 -23 6
Wood fuels 90,462 -6 25
Others 14,352 -1 4
Bunkers 9,252 30 .
CO2 emissions from energy sector 12 -14 .
1) Coal: includes hard coal, coke, blast furnace gas and coke oven gas.
2) Conversion of electricity generation into fuel units: Nuclear power: 10.91 TJ/GWh (33% total efficiency)
3) Conversion of electricity generation into fuel units: Hydro power, wind power and net imports of electricity: 3.6 TJ/GWh (100%)
4) *Preliminary

Source: Statistics Finland, Energy supply and consumption

Inquiries: Ville Maljanen 029 551 2691,

Deputy director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

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Revisions in these statistics

Updated 18.6.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy supply and consumption [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-7976. 1st quarter 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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