This set of statistics has been discontinued.

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Concepts and definitions

12-month moving total

Total for the latest twelve months.

For example, the 12-month moving total for March is obtained by adding up data from the beginning of the previous year's April until the end of the current's year's March. Respectively, the total for April is obtained by adding up data from the beginning of the previous year's May until the end of the current year's April. Thus, the difference between the 12-month moving totals of April and March gives the difference between the previous year's and the current year's data for April.


Charcoal is a solid fossil fuel with an effective thermal value of more than 24MJ/kg in ashless substance. Coal is mainly graded according to the amount of volatile matter it contains and its thermal value.

Metallurgical coal and coke produced from it are not regarded as charcoal.


Coal has been formed from plant residues hundreds of millions of years ago. In energy statistics coal refers to the energy sources of charcoal (1211,1212), lignite (1221), other coal (1222,1228,1229), coke, and blast furnace and coke oven gases obtained as a by-product from the production of iron.

Condensing power

Electric energy produced by cooling down steam with water without using the heat energy of the steam.

Final energy consumption

Final energy consumption measures the consumption of electricity and heat, fuels for space heating, transport fuels and fuels for industrial processes. It differs from total consumption in that energy transmission and distribution losses have been removed from it. Thus, it represents the final amount of energy left at the disposal of households and other consumers.

Fossil fuels

Fossil fuels refer to fuels that have been formed of biomass and stored underground millions of years ago. Fossil fuels include coal, lignite, natural gas and fuel oils refined from crude oil. In international classifications peat is often classified as fossil fuel, although it is a clearly younger fuel than them.

Small combustion of wood

Small combustion of wood refers to the use of firewood in households and in the heating of farms and service buildings. Apart from firewood material it also includes wood waste from demolition and construction activity.


Terajoule (TJ) is a measurement unit of energy that is often used to express the energy content of fuels. 1 TJ = 0.278 GWh

Total energy consumption

Total energy consumption describes total commensurate consumption of domestic energy sources and imported energy in Finland. It includes fuels used in the production and processing of energy, and energy used in final consumption, including transport fuels and fuels used for heating buildings.

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: Energy supply, consumption and prices [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-338X. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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