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Published: 26 September 2018

Households' energy consumption grew in 2016

The final consumption of energy products by Finns in Finland and abroad grew by five per cent from the previous year to 1.2 million terajoules in 2016. The growth was biggest for households that consumed seven per cent more energy than in the year before. Households consumed 300 thousand terajoules of energy, which corresponds to one quarter of final energy consumption. In the industry of transportation and storage, energy consumption grew by six per cent, being 146 thousand terajoules. The final consumption of energy products in manufacturing went up by three per cent. The share of manufacturing in total final energy consumption stood at 44 per cent.

Final consumption of energy by industry in 2015 and 2016, petajoules

Final consumption of energy by industry in 2015 and 2016, petajoules

The consumption of oil products grew by five per cent from the previous year to 537 thousand terajoules. The main reason for the growth was the fall in the share of biofuels in transport fuels, which increased the consumption of fossil transport fuels. This was particularly visible in the industry of land transport, where the consumption of oil products grew by 22 per cent compared with the previous year. The volume of oil products consumed by households also grew by six per cent from the previous year. The consumption of crude oil went up by 15 per cent from the year before.

In turn, the consumption of biofuels went down by two per cent from the year before, which was visible as the fall in processing use in manufacturing and the decrease in final consumption especially in land transport. The consumption of biofuels in land transport went down by 75 per cent from the year before. However, the consumption of biofuels grew for households by five per cent from the previous year, which was primarily due to increased wood combustion in heating of buildings. The consumption of wood fuels in energy supply also increased, which was visible as a four per cent growth in the consumption of biofuels in the industry.

Six per cent more electricity and heat were used than in the previous year. The growth was biggest for households that used electricity and heat eight per cent more than in the previous year. Households consumed nearly one-third of all electricity and heat. Manufacturing consumed four per cent more electricity and heat than one year earlier.

Total supply and consumption of energy products by industry in 2016, TJ

Industry (TOL2008) Supply Use
Agriculture, fishing and aquaculture, hunting 1 604 28 704
Forestry 199 729 4 462
Mining and quarrying 280 750 8 786
Food industry 239 17 181
Forest industry 146 307 272 609
Oil refining and manufacture of chemicals 693 105 848 947
Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products 14 963 91 775
Other industries . 30 185
Energy management 448 878 624 521
. 4 406
Construction . 33 384
Trade . 22 035
Land transport . 62 230
Water transport . 34 748
Air transport . 43 305
Support activities for transportation, postal activities . 5 500
. 18 108
. 82 666
Households . 300 785
Change in Inventories . 53 433
Rest of the World 1 113 365 411 384
Statistical Differences . 6 646
TOTAL 2 898 942 2 898 942

Energy accounts are part of the second stage of the European Union’s Regulation concerning environmental accounts that became legally valid in June 2014 ((EC) No 538/2014). The Regulation obliges the Member States to compile statistics and report annually on energy accounts.

The goal of environmental accounts is to describe the interaction between the environment and the economy by mainly using the same basic concepts and classifications as national accounts (ESA 2010). In the energy accounts, the supply and use of energy are presented in accordance with the industrial classification and domicile principle used in national accounts. Thus, the data of the statistics can be connected to various monetary variables of national accounts, such as total output and value added. The energy accounts’ data on the supply and use of energy can also be combined with the data of the statistics on environmental taxes and emissions into air by industry.

Unlike other statistics on energy, energy accounts also contain the supply and consumption of energy by Finns abroad, in accordance with the framework of national accounts. Correspondingly, the supply and consumption of energy by foreigners within Finland are subtracted from energy accounts. Unlike in national accounts, statistics describing the physical flows of environmental accounts, including energy accounts, do not take into account global factoryless production and merchanting.

Source: Energy Accounts 2016, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Juuso Peltola 029 551 2330,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 26.9.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy Accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-5741. 2016. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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