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Appendix table 1. Consolidated Total Expenditures by Function, General Government, 2010

Function Million euro Ratio to GDP, %
G0 All functions 99 835 55,5
G0101 Executive and legislative organs, financial, fiscal and external affairs 2 785 1,5
G0102 Foreign economic aid 786 0,4
G0103 General services 5 661 3,1
G0104 Basic research 1 067 0,6
G0105 R&D general public services 9 0,0
G0106 General public services, not elsewhere classified 31 0,0
G0107 Public debt transactions 2 679 1,5
G0108 Transfers of a general character between different levels of government 0 0,0
G0201 Military defence 2 484 1,4
G0202 Civil defence 159 0,1
G0203 Foreign military aid 118 0,1
G0205 Defence, not elsewhere classified 28 0,0
G0301 Police services 1 122 0,6
G0302 Fire-protection services 611 0,3
G0303 Law courts 514 0,3
G0304 Prisons 244 0,1
G0305 R&D Public order and safety 3 0,0
G0306 Public order and safety, not elsewhere classified 272 0,2
G0401 General economic, commercial and labour affairs 1 326 0,7
G0402 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 1 951 1,1
G0403 Fuel and energy 48 0,0
G0404 Mining, manufacturing, construction 193 0,1
G0405 Transport 4 202 2,3
G0406 Communications 39 0,0
G0407 Other industries 11 0,0
G0408 R&D Economic affairs 857 0,5
G0409 Economic affairs, not elsewhere classified 121 0,1
G0501 Waste management 66 0,0
G0503 Pollution abatement 133 0,1
G0504 Protection of biodiversity and landscape 70 0,0
G0505 R&D Environmental protection 56 0,0
G0506 Environmental protection, not elsewhere classified 181 0,1
G0601 Housing development 241 0,1
G0602 Community development 489 0,3
G0603 Water supply 30 0,0
G0606 Housing and community amenities, not elsewhere classified 154 0,1
G0701 Medical products, appliances and equipment 1 245 0,7
G0702 Outpatient services 6 173 3,4
G0703 Hospital services 6 134 3,4
G0704 Public health services 44 0,0
G0705 R&D Health 119 0,1
G0706 Health, not elsewhere classified 415 0,2
G0801 Recreational and sporting services 849 0,5
G0802 Cultural services 1 009 0,6
G0803 Broadcasting and publishing services 3 0,0
G0804 Religious and other community services 340 0,2
G0805 R&D Recreation, culture and religion 3 0,0
G0806 Recreation, culture and religion, not elsewhere classified 0 0,0
G0901 Pre-primary and primary education 2 337 1,3
G0902 Secondary education 5 283 2,9
G0903 Post-secondary, non-tertiary education 6 0,0
G0904 Tertiary education 3 327 1,9
G0905 Education not definable by level 414 0,2
G0906 Subsidiary services to education 35 0,0
G0907 R&D Education 11 0,0
G0908 Education, not elsewhere classified 322 0,2
G1001 Sickness and disability 8 856 4,9
G1002 Old age 19 975 11,1
G1003 Survivors 1 470 0,8
G1004 Family and children 5 000 2,8
G1005 Unemployment 4 413 2,5
G1006 Housing 550 0,3
G1007 Social exclusion, not elsewhere classified 1 420 0,8
G1008 R&D Social protection 29 0,0
G1009 Social protection, not elsewhere classified 1 312 0,7

Source: National Accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Niina Suutarinen (09) 1734 3302, Jukka Hytönen (09) 1734 3484,

Director in charge: Ari Tyrkkö

Updated 31.1.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): General government expenditure by function [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-0828. 2010, Appendix table 1. Consolidated Total Expenditures by Function, General Government, 2010 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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