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Appendix table 3. Total expenditure of general government by transaction and sector 2014, million euro 1)

  S13 General government S1311 Central government S1313 Local government S1314 Social security funds
Intermediate consumption 23 633 5 977 16 488 1 168
Compensation of employees 29 161 6 935 21 649 577
Subsidies 2 689 2 282 407 -
Property expenditure 2 557 2 469 133 45
Social benefits 45 885 4 589 4 259 37 037
Other current transfers, payable 6 061 31 585 1 283 3 187
Gross capital formation and net acquisitions of non-financial non-produced assets 8 420 3 838 4 666 -84
Capital transfers, payable 674 806 42 17
Other expenditure 161 134 9 18
Total expenditure 119 241 58 615 48 936 41 965
1) General government (S13) level property expenditure, current transfers, capital transfers and total expenditure are consolidated, sub-sectors are unconsolidated.

Source: National Accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jukka Hytönen 029 551 3484,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 29.1.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): General government expenditure by function [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-0828. 2014, Appendix table 3. Total expenditure of general government by transaction and sector 2014, million euro 1) . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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