Published: 31 March 2009
General government expenditure grew and revenue decreased in the 4th quarter of 2008
General government revenue decreased by 2.8 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2008 when comparing seasonally unadjusted data with corresponding data from the year before. The revenue items that decreased most were the corporation taxes included in the taxes on income and wealth as well as the taxes on production and imports. By contrast, social security contributions increased. Respectively, general government expenditure grew by 3.5 per cent. The expenditure items that grew most were social benefits in cash, compensation of employees and intermediate consumption. General government revenue contracted by EUR 670 million. Expenditure increased by EUR 819 million. Net lending, which is calculated as the difference of revenue and expenditure, weakened by EUR 1,489 million and stood at minus EUR 636 million. General government is comprised of central government, social security funds and local government. The data derive from Statistics Finland’s quarterly statistics on general government revenue and expenditure.
The data for the two latest years are preliminary and will become revised as annual national accounts data are revised. The trend shown in the Figure has been calculated with the Tramo/Seats method. The trend can become revised in the coming periods as preliminary data are revised. As the time series of annual accounts become revised, the time series of this set of statistics will also be revised. These data are based on the information on economic development available by 27 March 2009. The data will be next be revised in late June 2009.
General government total revenue and total expenditure 2000 - 2008
Source: General government revenue and expenditure, 4th quarter 2008. Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Jouni Pulkka +358-9-17343532, Teuvo Laukkarinen +358-9-17343315
Director in charge: Ari Tyrkkö
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- Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (31.3.2009)
- Capital taxes (31.3.2009)
- Actual social contributions (31.3.2009)
- Current Taxes on Income, Wealth, etc. (31.3.2009)
- Value Added Type Taxes (31.3.2009)
- Taxes on Production and Imports (31.3.2009)
Updated 31.03.2009
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
General government revenue and expenditure by quarter [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-9382. 4th quarter 2008. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 23.11.2024].
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