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Appendix table 2. Breakdown of newspaper sales 2000 - 2019, per cent

Year Dailies Other newspapers
Advertising, per cent Subscriptions
and single copy sales, per cent
Total, per cent Advertising, per cent Subscriptions
and single copy sales, per cent
Total, per cent
2000 58 42 100 59 41 100
2001 56 44 100 57 43 100
2002 54 46 100 54 46 100
2003 53 47 100 53 47 100
2004 53 47 100 54 46 100
2005 54 47 100 53 47 100
2006 55 45 100 53 47 100
2007 55 45 100 53 47 100
2008 55 45 100 54 46 100
2009 48 52 100 52 48 100
2010 49 51 100 51 49 100
2011 52 48 100 50 50 100
2012 50 50 100 51 49 100
2013 47 53 100 48 52 100
2014 45 55 100 48 52 100
2015 45 55 100 46 54 100
2016 45 55 100 46 54 100
2017 44 56 100 47 53 100
2018 43 57 100 45 55 100
2019 41 59 100 44 56 100
Until 2009 revenues of printed newspapers only. From 2010 onwards revenues of digital sales are included. In addition to advertising proper all classifieds including announcements, notices, column advertisements and public offices are also included. NB. The figures have been revised in July 2018: breakdown of non-dailies' (other newspapers) sales was previously falsely registered for 2014, 2015 and 2016.Source: Finnish Newspapers Association

Source: Mass media and cultural statistics. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kaisa Saarenmaa 029 551 3517,

Head of Department in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 4.12.2020

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Mass media statistics [e-publication].
ISSN=2323-6345. 2019, Appendix table 2. Breakdown of newspaper sales 2000 - 2019, per cent . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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