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Revisions in these statistics

Revision of general government debt from the first publication, EUR million

  Latest release 21.12.2018 1st release Revision
S13 General government 2017Q4 137 278 137 286 -8
2018Q1 135 440 135 109 331
2018Q2 136 063 135 807 256
S1311 Central government 2017Q4 116 996 117 034 -38
2018Q1 115 089 115 127 -38
2018Q2 115 430 115 399 31
S1313 Local government 2017Q4 19 767 19 849 -82
2018Q1 19 773 19 400 373
2018Q2 19 941 19 716 225
S1314 Social security funds 2017Q4 2 766 2 766 0
2018Q1 2 448 2 448 0
2018Q2 1 971 1 971 0

Source: General government debt by quarter, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Henna Laasonen 029 551 3303, Olli-Pekka Aaltonen 029 551 3090,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 21.12.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): General government debt by quarter [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-8034. 3rd quarter 2018, Revisions in these statistics . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: