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Published: 15 November 2018

Use of domestic natural resources increased by 5 per cent in 2017

In 2017, Finland used 237 million tonnes of direct inputs, which was around 3.5 per cent more than in 2016. Direct inputs include both imported products as well as materials extracted from the soil and vegetation of Finland. The use of domestic direct inputs increased by five per cent, and amounted to 180 million tonnes. The growth was primarily caused by increased mineral excavation and use of soil materials.

Around one-fourth, or 57 million tonnes, of the use of direct inputs consisted of imported products. The use of domestic direct inputs increased by five per cent, and amounted to 180 million tonnes. In 2016, altogether 172 million tonnes of domestic natural resources were used. Of all direct inputs used in 2017, around one-third, or 81 million tonnes, were soil materials. Sixty-six million tonnes of minerals and 44 million tonnes of wood were used.

Use of direct inputs by material group 2007 to 2017, million tonnes

Use of direct inputs by material group 2007 to 2017, million tonnes

In 2017, the domestic material consumption (DMC) was 191 million tonnes, which was around five million tonnes more than in 2016. The growth was the result of increased use of domestic natural resources. Both the tonnage of exports and that of imports remained quite the same compared to the previous year.

Domestic material consumption 2007 to 2017, million tonnes

million tonnes 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Domestic direct inputs 195 196 169 187 186 185 215 170 167 172 180
Foreign direct inputs 64 69 53 60 62 56 58 57 53 57 56
Exports 44 42 35 42 44 44 45 45 42 44 45
Domestic material consumption 214 222 186 204 203 197 229 183 179 185 191

In 2017, altogether 612 million tonnes of natural resources were used, which was three per cent more than in 2016. Total usage of natural resources includes unused extractions in forestry and mining and quarrying as well as hidden flows of imports. Unused extractions amounted to 145 million tonnes and hidden flows from imported products to 230 million tonnes in total.

Source: Economy-wide material flow accounts 2017, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Johanna Pakarinen 029 551 3313,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 15.11.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Economy-wide material flow accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-1289. 2017. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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