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Published: 29 January 2018

Consumer sentiment brighter than ever

The consumer confidence indicator (CCI) stood at 24.2 in January, having been 24.0 in December. The figure for January is highest in recorded history. Last year in January, the CCI received the value 21.0. The long-term average for the CCI is 12.3. The data are based on Statistics Finland’s Consumer Survey, for which 1,195 people resident in Finland were interviewed between 2 and 19 January.

Consumer confidence indicator (CCI)

Consumer confidence indicator (CCI)

Of the components of the CCI, expectations of consumers’ own economy and the general development of unemployment improved in January compared with December. In contrast, estimates of Finland's economy and households’ saving possibilities weakened slightly. Compared with the corresponding period last year, all the CCI components apart from saving possibilities improved.

In January, consumers’ expectations concerning their own and Finland's economy and unemployment were very bright. Views on one’s own saving possibilities were also good.

In January, consumers regarded the time very favourable for buying durable goods, taking out a loan and saving. Employed consumers felt in January that their personal threat of unemployment has decreased much in recent months.

Consumers' expectations concerning their own and Finland's economy in 12 months' time

Consumers' expectations concerning their own and Finland's economy in 12 months' time

The balance figures are obtained by deducting the weighted proportion of negative answers from that of positive answers. The consumer confidence indicator (CCI) is the average of the balance figures for the CCI components. The components are: own economy, Finland’s economy, general unemployment and household’s saving possibilities (all concerning next 12 months). The balance figures and the confidence indicator can range between -100 and +100 – the higher (positive) balance figure, the brighter the view on the economy.

Source: Consumer Survey 2018, January. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pertti Kangassalo 029 551 3598,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

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Updated 29.1.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Consumer Confidence [e-publication].
ISSN=2669-8889. January 2018. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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