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2. Persons employed in cultural occupations as their main job according to employment statistics

Employment statistics are annual statistics providing data by region on the population’s economic activity and employment. The population for the statistics is the permanently resident population in the country on the last day of the year. The data differ from the Labour Force Survey, where employment is defined so that it covers persons having earned at least one hour's pay or other compensation for work. Employment statistics in turn contain information on employment relationships insured by the employer, on the basis of which employment and unemployment are deduced.

The number of employed persons in the employment statistics thus differs from the figures of the Labour Force Survey due to the view of inspection. The advantage is that the statistics are comprehensive and detailed information can also be provided. The drawback of the data is that its compilation is a laborious process, which means that the results are not as up-to-date as those of the Labour Force Survey.More detailed data on those employed in cultural occupations by sex, employer sector and level of education are available in the database tables of culture.

According to the employment statistics, 88,227 employed persons were working full time in cultural occupations in 2012.

Nearly 34 per cent of those working in cultural occupations had upper secondary level qualifications, 14 per cent lowest level tertiary qualifications, 23 per cent lower tertiary degrees and 28 per cent higher tertiary degrees (Figure 1). Levels of education by occupation can be viewed in the database tables of culture.

Of employer sectors, 65 per cent of all employed persons work in the private sector. The second highest number, over 13 per cent, work in the local government sector and the same number as entrepreneurs. (Figure 2)

Source: Cultural statistics 2014, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kaisa Weckström 029 551 2348,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 27.8.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Culture [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-7404. Cultural Employment in Finland 2014, 2. Persons employed in cultural occupations as their main job according to employment statistics . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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