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4. Data and classifications

The Labour Force Survey collects statistical data on the participation in work, employment, unemployment and activity of persons outside the labour force among the population aged between 15 and 74. The Labour Force Survey data collection is based on a random sample drawn twice a year from Statistics Finland’s population database. The monthly sample consists of some 12,000 persons and the data are collected with computer-assisted telephone interviews. Based on the information provided by the respondents, a picture emerges of the activities of the entire population aged between 15 and 74. A so-called ad hoc module with annually changing topics is also carried out in connection with the Labour Force Survey.

The Labour Force Survey produces monthly, quarterly and annual data on employment, unemployment, different employment relationships, working hours and work input, for example. The activity of the population outside the labour force is also examined. Data are available by gender, level of education, age and area. In addition, the Labour Force Survey contains data reported annually on the employment of households. The majority of the data collected are required by the EU Regulation. The basic data are confidential.

The Labour Force Survey data collection is based on a random sample drawn twice a year from Statistics Finland’s population database. The size of the sample is approximately 12,000 persons per month. The data are collected with a telephone-assisted telephone interview. One respondent is interviewed altogether five times. Monthly, quarterly and annual data are available starting from 1959. Starting from 1989, there are uniform time series complying with the definitions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

The used classifications are: Standard Industrial Classification (TOL 2002), Classification of Occupations 2001, Classification of Socio-economic Groups 1989, Classification of Education 1997, Regional classifications: major region, Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI), Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY), region. The Labour Force Survey results contain bias caused by the sample survey, which is higher the smaller occupational group it concerns. People employed in cultural occupations are in this review combined into groups whose size is around 10,000 persons. Then the standard error for the estimate is approximately four per cent.

Employment statistics are annual statistics providing data by region on the population’s economic activity and employment. The population for the statistics is the permanently resident population in the country on the last day of the year. The data are mainly derived from administrative registers and statistical data files. The unit-specific data of the employment statistics are confidential by virtue of the Statistics Act. Data can be compiled by all regional divisions based on municipalities and co-ordinates and by postal code areas.

The produced data describe the population’s main type of activity, business distribution, status in occupation, number of workplaces, location of workplace, and education and income of the population and labour force.

The statistics are produced yearly. The reference period of the statistics is the last week of the year, but the statistics also contain data accumulated during the statistical reference year (e.g. income data, months of employment and unemployment).

The statistics are compiled by all regional divisions based on municipalities, such as the whole country, province, region, sub-regional unit and municipality. Data can also be produced by postal code area and divisions based on map co-ordinates, e.g. by municipal sub-area. Apart from regional classifications, the classifications of industries, sectors, occupations, levels of education and socio-economic groups are also used in these statistics.

These statistics are based on around 40 administrative and statistical data files. The most important data sources are the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre, the registers of the Tax Administration, the employment registers of the Finnish Centre for Pensions, the State Treasury and the Local Government Pensions Institution, Statistics Finland’s Register of Enterprises and Establishments, the pensioner registers of the Social Insurance Institution and the Finnish Centre for Pensions, the Ministry of Labour’s Register of Jobseekers, Statistics Finland's Register of Completed Education and Degrees; and the Conscripts Register of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. In addition, questionnaire inquiries are conducted among multi-establishment enterprises and member corporations of municipalities.

Preliminary data are completed around 12 months from the end of the reference period. Of the final data, those on the population's main activity and occupational status are completed approximately 18 months and the remainder 22 months after the end of the reference period. The data are available starting from 1987.

Source: Cultural statistics 2014, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kaisa Weckström 029 551 2348,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 27.8.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Culture [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-7404. Cultural Employment in Finland 2014, 4. Data and classifications . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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