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Appendix table 2. Cultural occupations based on the Classification of Occupations 2010

Occupation Code
Advertising and public relations managers 1 222
Housing construction architects 2 161
Landscape architects 2 162
Product and clothing designers 2 163
Community and traffic planners 2 164
Graphic and multimedia designers 2 166
Other music teachers 2 354
Other art teachers 2 355
Advertising and marketing professionals 2 431
Public relations professionals 2 432
Archivists 26 211
Curators 26 212
Librarians and related information professionals 2 622
Authors and related writers 2 641
Journalists 2 642
Managing editors and subeditors 26 421
Journalists 26 422
Radio and television journalists 26 423
Translators, interpreters and other linguists 2 643
Creative and performing artists 265
Business services agents not elsewhere classified 3 339
Photographers 3 431
Interior decorators and similar 3 432
Technical employees at galleries, museums and libraries 3 433
Other artistic and cultural associate professionals 3 435
Travel consultants and clerks 4 221
Library clerks 4 411
Filing and copying clerks 4 415
Travel guides 5 113
Handicraft workers and precision mechanics 731

Source: Cultural statistics 2014, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kaisa Weckström 029 551 2348,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 27.8.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Culture [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-7404. Cultural Employment in Finland 2014, Appendix table 2. Cultural occupations based on the Classification of Occupations 2010 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: